Our Time is Now, Yours is Ending

Start from the beginning

Glad the mood had shifted to a more pleasant one, Kodama kept it going. "As you are a great inspiration Miss Nishizumi."

"Ah! I don't think I'm anything special," Miho said bashfully.

Even the group of adults got a chuckle out of the youngest Nishzumi's reaction.

Chono spoke up after her chuckle die down. "You are very special. It was you who put the lives of your teammates over a match last year. You fearlessly dove into that raging river to save your teammates, not caring about a match, even as important as a final. Know I hold you in high regard for that action."

"But my team lost because of that," Miho said, even now she always felt the guilt of the Kuromorimine win streak snapping because of her actions.

Kodama shook his head with a smile. "What are lives weigh next to a rag on a pole, hm? What you did show all the qualities of being a great leader. That lives are more important. Not everyone will outright say it, but what you did in that match has inspired many girls to remember that we must look out for one another."

"Oh...I...Never thought that be the reaction of others, because of my actions," Miho said in a surprised tone.

For Miho, she never thought about how others felt about her actions that day in the rain and mud of the 62nd Final. She just assume that people thought her to be a disgrace, like her mother, for leaving her tank and losing the match. It seems now, that her assumption had been misplaced, just like her assumption that her old teammates at Kuromorimine didn't care if she left. However Erika had told her different and that because she just assume things, she didn't give them a chance to let Miho know how things really were, sometimes Miho thought she might have stayed at Kuromorimine if she had realized this sooner.

Hidemichi decided to join in now, as he place a hand on Miho's shoulder, making her turn to him, as he spoke. "You must understand young one, that your actions are always watched, and your compassion is what people saw that day."

"I had wondered if you ever would take up tankery again. I had heard about you leaving your home and transferring to a new school. Yet I'm glad you have stayed in the sport and found your way back to it," Kodama said, adding his voice of praise on the youngest Nishizumi.

"Yes, she has done much to change our school and for the better. Know we of Chi-Ha-Tan tankery follow our commanders Sensha-do style, and will never disgrace it or Sensha-do ever again, like in the last match with Saunders," Nishi said proudly.

"My you must be quite the leader to have such high respect," Chono said with approval. "Though I can see you don't follow your own families Sensha-do style."

"Oh...I...," Miho struggle to find the words.

"Her mother no doubt is pulling her hair about it, poor thing can't accept change sometimes," Hidemichi said casually, trying his best to take the spotlight off Miho since he knew the young girl was still at odds with her mother.

Chono laugh a little. "I see you're still as ever casual when it comes to talking about Shiho. Any surprise you haven't gotten on her bad side."

"Oh trust me, I've only just gotten out of the dog house with her," Hidemichi said, chuckling a bit, then spoke once more when he calm down. "If there's nothing else, I must see my students back to our school carrier, Director Kodama."

Kodama nodded. "Yes everything is in order, and please have a nice flight back home."

"Thank you," Hidemichi said with a bow, that was followed by his two students, then they left the office.

Once they close the door to the office, the trio was greeted by their pilot Aozora, dress in her flight suit still, since they were only going to be here for the meeting and then head home, who had been pacing in front of the office door, waiting to hear the results of the meeting. Now upon seeing Miho and Nishi, the brown hair pilot came over to hug both of them.

The Tigers of Chi-Ha-Tan ReRise Volume 3: The Tigresses TrialWhere stories live. Discover now