Chapter 2

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     I slipped my hand from his as he stopped in a corner with his back facing me. “Alejan?” I asked and placed my hand on his shoulder. As much as he was wicked to me, he’s my brother so I have to care. He turned and looked at me with blood dripping from his mouth. My mouth fell and I stepped back. “Do you think there is something immoral about me?” he asked, walking closer to me. I looked at his wrist and saw exactly where he inflicted himself with the knife. I knew exactly what was going to happen next and I was not about to get another serious gash from him.

     “Alejan…any steps further and I will shout '' I said forewarning him and he laughed. I always had this peculiar feeling around him, a feeling that was sinister and scary. He didn’t stop approaching me and I looked around to see if anyone was around to help me. If I run he will come after me and my small, frail body will not be able to outrun him. If I scream he will bash me. And if I stand up…I will still get the stab. He ran up on me and my quick reflexes allowed me to dodge his impact. He ran up again and I spellbound both his hands and hard-pressed him off. He smiled clearly and proclaimed that I have finally decided to fight back. 

      He jumped on me, sending us both to the ground and I was at the bottom. I closed my eyes waiting for the brutal pain I was in for. I heard him grunt and I opened my eyes to see that he was at the bottom with his arms squeezing me in. I struggled to breathe and began wiggling from his grasp. I slammed my fist on his chest and his hands reached towards the area and I got up running. I only felt when his hand took hold of my ankle and pulled me, sending me to the ground once more, on my stomach. I groaned and I only felt when his chest gently rested on my lower back. His body slid on top of mine and his hands wrapped around my throat. Darkness stood there looking at me with a smile. “I love you. I will try my best to show it to you. I try to protect you, then…why don’t you love me back?” he asked. I am crying now. I was in the most agonizing and uncomfortable state. “AH…get…off” I said, struggling to get him off and breathe. It was becoming too much for me to handle, my lungs felt as though it was being fisted. I gathered all my vigor and gave one big push and he was off of me. 

      I got up and ran not once looking back to see if he was there because the funny thing is…I knew he was coming. 


     I sat in the dim, hugging my legs in a corner. From the moment I came home I never dared myself to step out of my room and I made sure to close my door but that didn’t provide much ease for me. I could hear his steps and his mocking whistle. It was like I was in a horror movie. The only thing is that I am smart enough to not get caught. I was hungry…but I was determined to stay right where I am. “Emily…please come on out. I-I want to talk to you” he said I could hear the smile in his voice. I scoffed. My own step-brother, a psycho. Who is also in love with me, but enjoys taunting and hurting me. The unusual part about it is that I only remember him and events from the age of 10. I cannot remember anything else.

     Mom said he got here before I was 10. I cannot remember who my father was or who my step-dad is. Everything is like a blur which made me marvel, Am I a psycho? I don’t even know if my dad’s real name was Styles or if I got it from my step-dad. I don’t know any of my family or if I even have anyone else other than my mom and my brother. I longed to walk my own halls and see the history that was sheltered behind them. But I’m petrified and I have always been afraid of those walls because my brother lurked behind them. Those walls that remind me of a haunted house and the flickering of the light in one specific room makes me think…Who died in here? My room was always dark and never really seemed to permit light. The only place filled with light was the kitchen. I felt like a ghost behind these walls. Our house was the only house on this block and it is enclosed by thorns.

     A loud blow on my door made me leap. “Emily I’m home…you breathing in there honey?” she asked. It’s like my life was on repeat, it only recurring the same moments and decided to skip everything else. Was I ever happy? Why do I only remember when I was ten years old and only one part of it? I can only remember when I was stabbed. I felt like a robot…like I was created. Many times my life would just glitch and then I wouldn’t remember what happened, like I was placed into a deep sleep so compelling that when I wake up everything from my memory is washed away. Once again there was a knocking and I was pulled from my thoughts.

     “Don’t let me find my way in there because it won’t be nice. You need to eat so get out of that room or trust me I will come in” he said from the other side. I knew how this would turn out so I opened the window and jumped out the back. I looked around and it seemed like somewhere completely different. It’s the first time I have actually been around here or maybe I can’t remember. I pushed my hands in my jacket and walked forwards looking around. I looked at the huge trees, I was basically in the woods, where in every haunted movie bodies are found and people died. I saw red roses in between the trees and they looked so beautiful that it just jumped out and caught my attention. 

    I looked back to see if anyone noticed me outside and then I headed over towards it. I tilted my head as I saw something like a head stone. It was grey and cracked and it looked as though it had been here for a very long time. I was right, someone did die here. I walked even closer and bent down brushing it off with my hands. My brows furrowed when I saw the name on it, Ethan Styles. I had no idea who it was but this person had my last name and the funny thing about it is that it didn’t tell when he was born or when he died. I sat down on the head stone and tried to think of who it might be. I knew it could never be any of my dads because mom said they both moved away. Then who was it?

     I got up and ran back to the house before anyone suspected anything. I climbed back in the window as silent as possible and closed it. I slowly took a seat on my bed and tried to think. I had no one to ask about that grave. My mother, though she seemed alright, she could be just like Alejan. “I thought I called you” he said and my eyes widened and I flew from off the bed, my head snapping towards the door. My heart was pounding so fast I could hear it. “Over here” he said and my head snapped in the other direction and he was right there…outside my window standing in a black pants alone with his hair all over the place.

    “Let me in Emily '' he said and I shook my head telling him no. “Let. Me. In '' he said slowly trying to scare me. I took a deep breath and stood firm. “No” I said and he laughed loudly. “What?” he asked, his face getting dark and scary. I bit my lips and gripped the sheet on my bed. I looked at him, never once breaking the stare we had. “Hmmm. Okay” he said, not smiling this time. I was beyond scared now. He climbed down and slowly walked away, not looking back on me. I feared for my life even more at this moment. I didn’t know what was going to happen but one thing I did know was that I was not going to sleep for the rest of the night. I don’t know how I will get to school, or even how to get out of this house but I know I will not leave this room for the rest of the night and I thank god for the bathroom I have in here. Darkness sat beside me and touched my eyelids but I pushed him away because for this night I had to be awake.

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