I held my throat coughing and wheezing as he walked to his shiny red car. I followed after and he opened the door for me and I hopped in quickly not keeping up his time. Ever since that night I have lived by his rules. Whatever he wanted I had to do it, it was for the sake of my own life. I told my mother once about the evil that was done unto my body. She thought it was all hallucinations. He never allows me to go anywhere or talk to anyone. It’s like I’m caged by my own brother just because he’s a psychopath.

He looked over at me and smirked as he laid his free hand on my

leg. I held my breath as he pulled over and tried my best not to cry. “Hey… I love you” he said and the tears ran down. He leaned over and kissed my lips which caused me to stiffen. I hated this…I wished it would have been a nightmare at least but it wasn’t he reached his hand out and tucked my hair behind my ear. “I’ll take good care of you” he said and I nodded and he smiled. He pulled back and his smile fell and that devilish look appeared on his face. He looked at me and gripped the back of my head banging it on the dashboard.

I yelled due to the pain that rushed to my head. “I know you don’t believe me” he said. I groaned as I rubbed my forehead and cried. The pain was too much for my weak body to handle. “You should never piss me off Emily. You know that” he said and grabbed my shoulders as he leaned over and kissed my forehead. I remained silent and looked at him as he pulled away from me, his grey eyes glistening in the sun. If only the story behind his eyes were as beautiful as they seemed. I leaned back in my seat as his attention was on the road again. I bit the insides of my cheek as I picture what would happen at school if I missed lunch with him and I have my art work to complete.

A few minutes later and we arrived at school and I hopped out of the car and waited for him to park. He got out catching the attention of all the girls around him and I rolled my eyes. He looked my way and smile as they ran towards him screaming and just being pathetic. I folded my arms and waited for them to finish their mingling. I can’t move until he gives me the permission to. He sent them away and came up to me. I watched his hands as they touched my waist and I closed my eyes for a brief second. I felt when his lips tauntingly touched my ear and I jumped. “If I don’t see you at lunch you will be in trouble young miss” he said and released me. I folded my lips and slowly walked away from him. “Forgetting something?” he asked and I turned to look at him. I walked back up to him and kissed his cheek and then he caught my hand in his. “I love you Emily” he said and I gulped. “I love you too” I said with a tiny smile. It was as if someone

pushed their hand down my throat and pulled those words up. I quickly ran away looking behind me as he stood smiling his same heinous smile.

“Miss Styles” the teacher said sternly calling out to me and my eyes darted towards her. “Which planet did you visit today?” she asked and a thunder of laughter rolled through the class. I sighed and dropped my head on the desk looking outside. Outside was so beautiful. Different color flowers decorated the field and palm trees stood tall at every corner. I saw a dark figure in the woods and I looked even closer. I saw him with a rabbit in his hand and a knife. I closed my eyes knowing exactly what he was about to do. Sure he was a sweet guy, very generous, charming, enthusiastic and honest but…he is a demon, killer a monster that I have lived with ever since the age of 10.

I looked back out towards the woods to see him looking right at me. I gasped and jumped out of my seat quickly. “Miss Styles” the teacher said and everyone was now facing me with goofy looks on their faces. “I…saw a bug” I said and sat down as everyone’s attention was back to the board. “Okay guys your homework is due on Thursday, two days from now. So get it done” she said and the bell went. I sat down trying to think about what to do. I have to get my art work done and I have no idea how to do it. I got up grabbing my bag and headed to the cafeteria. I saw him with his curly hair being twirled by a black haired girl that sat on his lap.

Why do I have to go through this? His head whipped in my direction and he called me over. I took a deep breath in and gripped my bag strap and walked over there. He moved over and I sat down beside him. “Hey aren’t you going to eat?” he asked me as the girl tried pleasuring him. “I’m not hungry A-“I said and he gripped my throat. “Hey don’t you dare say it” he said and I gasped gripping onto his hand to pry his steel grip from my neck. No one really paid attention because this was a regular thing. The table was surrounded with girls that just sat there eating and watching him like hawks. I was

so uncomfortable I didn’t know what to do. I looked at him making out with the girl on his lap and gulped. “Gross”, I said silently as I could hear the sounds. I felt like this was a punishment.

He moved away from her and placed his arms around her. “So girls…anyone going to the party at Jake’s?” he asked. “Yes!” they yelled screaming and laughing. All this girly-ness was killing me. “Awesome” he said and they got up giving us space which was the routine. My shoulders began to hurt as I tensed. He took his hand and threw it over my shoulder pulling me towards him. “Loosen up babe” he said and I released a breath. I could feel his eyes on me and I forced myself not to look at him. He was making me uncomfortable and he knew it. “I feel like tasting your blood” he said.

I looked at him with wide eyes and he smiled playing with my cheek. “Come, Emily let’s go” he said and got up. I hesitantly got up and made my way to where ever he was taking me.

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