A new offer

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(A) hiro it's good to see you

(H) Mr.Keri it's good to see you too

(A) I came by for a cup of coffee and to have a talk with you

(H) alright

(T) Alistair Keri?

(K) tadashi it's good to see you as well

(T) what brings you by?

(K) I came to talk to your b..

(T) boyfriend

(K) your boyfriend?

(H) long story, he came by to have a cup of coffee and to have a talk with me

(T) alright, I'll join you

(C) here's your coffee

(K) thank you Ms.Hamada

(C) you're welcome

(K) so hiro *sitting on stool* I'd love to talk to you about a new job offer in our school

(H) what's this job offer?

(K) I'd like for you to come in and help teach robotics to all of newbies of our school

(T) looks like someone gets to go back to nerd school

(K) what do you say hiro would you like to rejoin our school as a teacher?

(H) I'd love to, teaching robotics would be great

(K) great then you can start in August

(H) this will be fun thank you Mr.Keri

(C) way to go hiro

(K) orientation starts the eight then everyone should be back on the tenth I look forward to working with you hiro

(H) it will be great to work with you too Mr.Keri

(K) I need to head back to my office to get some documents finalized I'll give you a call later on about everything

(H) alright sounds good

(K) *shakes hiros hand* welcome to our school Mr.Hamada *leaving cafe*

(T) way to go hiro *hugging hiro*

(H) I'm going to be a teacher at our old school

(T) technically a college but still your going to be an awesome robotics teacher

(C) you sure your ready for all of this hiro?

(H) yeah it would be something great to do after all I never really knew what I wanted to do with my future

(T) *kisses hiro* I'm proud of you babe this will be great

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