Chapter 43

876 41 16

End of half of the season

"Satoshi: Damn, time flies really fast, it's already mid-season. Out of 12 races, we had 10 podiums and 6 wins, which makes us the best team in the championship so far. O / N is making monstrous progress, thanks to Rena's advice, at first he was a bit annoying but he ended up agreeing that it was just for his own benefit, but I know for a fact that he appreciates Rena very much. And on Rena's side it's pretty much the same thing, she really appreciates being here, I wonder why anyway, but in any case she also appreciates Y / N a lot but neither of them will say that he appreciates the author. Basically they are the same. But we are lucky to have Rena with us, she intelligent, talented, kind, beautiful and ... "


Satoshi: Huh? What are we talking about ?

Y / N: I've been explaining the next circuit to you for 30 minutes, but you're not listening to me !!!

Satoshi: I'm sorry, I was on my mind

Y / N: You thought of Rena

Satoshi (red): What? !!! No not at all

Y / N: Stop it, I can see it for miles, you have that weird smile when you think of her

Satoshi: Does it see that much?

Y / N: I promise you it's obvious

Satoshi: Do you think she noticed?

Y / N: I think the whole world is aware that you are in love with Rena Yamato and that is deeply disgusting, she is not a woman, she is a witch and you are an idiot too nice. I sometimes wonder if she don't use you

Satoshi: Impossible, Rena-san would never do that!

Y / N: If you say so

Satoshi: You think I have my chance

Y / N: Honestly?

Satoshi: Yeah

Y / N: You don't have a chance

Satoshi (with a comic cry): Thank you.

Y / N: But hey you have nothing to lose, you are not too bad so you never know with a little luck and alcohol you can maybe succeed

Satoshi: Stop talking like that you're 7 years old !! But you're right, well, not about the alcohol, but I can always try

Y / N: Pff do as you want but I would like not to have to pick you up with a teaspoon after she rejects you

Satoshi: Haha I hope not

Rena: What are you hoping for Satoshi?

Satoshi: R-Rena-San!

Rena: What were you talking about?

Satoshi: Nothing interesting

Rena: Okay if you say so Satoshi-kun

Y / N: Ridiculous

Rena: Good at work gentlemen the next race is coming at high speed and Y / N you have homework to do

Y / N: Tss

Later in the day after training

Rena: Good job both of you, we have to continue our work to be champion of the region

Y / N: It's true that we weren't aware

Rena: Good if you know it,  well I think it's time for me to go, see you tomorrow

Satoshi: Rena-San

Rena: A problem, Satoshi-kun?

Satoshi (embarrassed): Well, I would like to know if you wanted to go to a restaurant someday

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