Chapter Sixty-Seven - Trouble in Tokyo, Part One

Start from the beginning

    I raise an eyebrow at Beast Boy's amusing antics before flying away. My eyes revert to their usual colours, trusting the green teen's shapeshifting abilities to enable him to land on his feet, and I return to the fight at hand.

    "Ember! Wait up!"

    I find Raven and Starfire just as the criminal speeds up, flying ahead of them once more. Beast Boy ambushes him in falcon form, only to be met with a flashing shuriken. Right before it explodes in his face, a ball of water surrounds it and hugs the weapon tight, absorbing the blow for him.

    "Okay. Am I the only one who's sick of these explodey things?"

    Beast Boy—in human form—sits on Raven's platform, dangling his feet over the edge and staring down at the city like he's never seen it before. The vein in the cloaked girl's forehead throbs and her eyes turn to slits.

    "Does this look like a taxi to you?" she barks.

    "N-n-no. It's way too flat and circley."

    Raven wastes no time in creating a hole in the platform; Beast Boy falls right through. He's almost hit by the T-Car, but turns into a pterodactyl in the nick of time and avoids the blow. From inside the land vehicle, Cyborg leans out at the sight of the pink and blue man, who has two shuriken-balls aimed at him.

    "I know you're not throwing that in my car!"

    A blast from Cyborg's sonic cannon annihilates the masked man's left arm, and my eyes widen at the sight of a weakness. It immediately dissipates, however, as the arm regenerates before our eyes—its colour changes a few times to fit his outfit.

    "How did he do that?!?"

    "I don't know," I mumble to myself.

    My state of shock is so paralysing that I'm unable to stop the ball in the criminal's hand from turning into an all too familiar shuriken and lodging itself in the passenger seat of the T-Car. I'm lucky I had fallen to the car's roof, or I would've fallen miles behind.

    Cyborg looks down at it in disdain. "Aw, man..."

    I jump off the vehicle just as Beast Boy—still in pterodactyl form—picks Cyborg up. The T-Car explodes and is reduced to a large flame and blue smoke, and the robotic teen can barely afford to look at it.

    "Uh, excuse me, but I did not wish to do this when you were not looking."

    Starfire's hand curls into a fist and she swings at the criminal. Her previous words—spawned from confidence or an alien custom, I don't know—have cost her the element of surprise, and the masked man swerves out of the way before grabbing her by the arm and flinging her back. Two shurikens explode in her face and she's sent flying back further before being caught by Robin.

    I fly down to them, hovering at their altitude. The three of us chase after the pink and blue criminal, only for the two Titans in the R-Cycle to continue straight when he veers left.

    "But he went—"

    "—down a dead end," I finish, cutting Robin off. "We'll meet him out here."

    The second the words leave my mouth, the villain blasts through the building to my immediate left before accelerating beyond belief. Robin readies a laser blaster attached to his front wheel, but none of the shots land, and my fire blasts all miss, too.

    Suddenly, we're cut off by a train speeding across the train tracks. At first, I think it's hit the criminal, but short glances of him running away tell me otherwise.

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