Shocking News

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Another Story! I hope you like it!
This is a safe space for EVERYONE, I DO NOT support JK Rowling.

The entire Weasley family sat around the small table in the kitchen of the burrow. The room was loud and rather chaotic, Fred and George both causing Charlies bacon and eggs to dance a jig on the plate. Harry Potter were also present, sitting quietly and grinning at the antics going on around them. They were startled by a loud bang and looked over at the window. There were 8 owls waiting patiently for someone to open the window, which Molly promptly did. She sorted through the letters, noticing that the were no letters for her, Arthur or Bill. She gave them to each of the children, smiling and laughing with the rest of them. Ginny opened her letter first, and immediately stopped laughing. Everyone turned to her, noticing the change in her mood.

"What wrong, Gin?" Fred asked, concern clear in his eyes.

"Read your letters!" She replied.

She scanned over the letter, her heart sinking in her chest.

To whoever it may concern,

We are writing to inform you of a new law that has been passed. Due to the two Wizarding War, the population of our magical community has decreased sharply. The Ministry has decided to implement a marriage law. You will get the details once you arrive back at Hogwarts.

We wish you a happy summer,

The Department of Magical Marriages.

Molly looked over her daughters shoulder and read the letter. She dropped the plate she was holding, not moving as it shattered on the floor.

"Molly, are you alright?" Arthur asked, concern clouding his eyes.

Hermione gulped. Her year were going back to Hogwarts to redo their seventh year, because it had been disrupted by the war. She made eye contact with Harry and Ron, who looked confused and rather shocked. Molly looked like she was about to burst into tears, Bill looked angry and Arthur looked like he was about to punch a wall. The twins usual grins were gone and instead they were staring at the wall, and Percy looked scared while Ginny hugged Ron tightly.

"You guys aren't going back to Hogwarts, so how are you gonna find out the details?" Hermione asked.

"We all have to go to the ministry next week!" Percy replied.

The next week passed quickly and soon they were on the train, on the way back to Hogwarts. Hermione, Ron and Harry sat in their usual compartment. Hermione shook her red and black hair over her shoulder and plugged in her headphones. She smiled as she heard the familiar tune of Ex-Wives and leant back in her seat. Harry had decided to die his hair deep blue, and he also got several tattoos. Hermione was startled out of her daydreaming by the compartment door opening. She took out her headphones and turned to stare at the Trio who stood in the doorway. She blushed when she saw Pansy Parkinson, who had cut her hair into a bob and was wearing bright red lipstick. She was wearing a dark hoodie with fishnet sleeves and a dark skirt with ripped tights. She also had a nose piercing and she looked amazing! Standing behind her were Draco Malfoy and Blaise Zabini, who Hermione ignored.

"Can we help you?" She asked, trying her hardest not to look at Pansy.

Pansy stared at Hermione, trying to remember what she had been about to say. Hermione had dyed her hair red and black, and she had a septum piercing.  wearing  

That is a link to what Hermione is wearing cause I wasn't sure how to describe it and it wouldn't let me add a picture! (Sorry)

"We wanted to apologise for the way we behaved in the past and ask if we could make a truce and get on this year," Blaise replied, saving Pansy from the embarrassment. Harry, Hermione and Ron looked at each other and seemed to agree on something because they turned back to the Slytherins and grinned, nodding. Hermione gestured to Pansy to take the seat next to her and smiled at her, before offering her a one of her headphones so they could listen to music together. Pansy had gone into the muggle wold a lot during the summer and accepted. She recognized the music and grinned. She loved Six the Musical. The rest of the train ride was peaceful, and Pansy grinned widely at her new friends.

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