-•°Chapter 16 °•-

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"What's with the commotion?" A man with black hair and blue eyes said while holding hands the man with grey hair and golden eyes.

"Dad! Papa! Finally, you're here!" Takemichi said excitedly.

Takemichi runs towards them and earned a pat from the head from his father.

"Happy Birthday my son" Daisuke greeted, patting Takemichi's head with a smile on his face.

Takemichi then smiled back as a reply.

"Happy Birthday my dear," Haru said hugging his youngest son and made Takemichi chuckle.

"Thank you, Dad, Papa" Takemichi replied to them.

"So that's my father-in-law's" These words are on the thoughts of Mikey, Chifuyu, and Draken while the others are admiring the beauty of Kambe's, elegant, luxurious, sophisticated, and ofcource high-class.

"Dad, why is there a dog in here? I thought you don't want pets in the mansion" Haruto (oldest) ask when he noticed a big dog at the back of Daisuke and Haru.

"Oh, this is the dog that your little brother ask for his birthday" Daisuke answered while showing Takemichi the dog.

It has a pure white color and has menacing blue eyes. Its tall is up to Takemichi's knees.

"Michan ask something for his birthday?" Haruto and Hiroto said in unison.

Takemichi's siblings are always like knowing what he likes and they will all buy it for him no matter what it costs. The day their little brother was born, Haruto, Daina, and Hiroto are so excited to spoil him with all the things they have. They wanted to give everything to him because the 3 of them are only one year apart and came from a well-known family so they only play with themselves and one day, it was when one of Hiroto's (3rd oldest) classmates was proudly talking about his little sister, on how cute and beautiful she is. There, Hiroto was also wondering on what's the feeling on having a younger sibling because at that time he was the youngest when Takemichi still wasn't born. He then got interested on having one, imagining his younger sibling calling him big brother made him happy that is also the first time he showed a very genuine smile because he always has a cold expression glued on his face like he's not caring about anything.

When he got home and it was dinner time, there, Hiroto suddenly asks his Papa about having a little brother. His 2 older siblings then look at him, his Papa (Haru) suddenly got choked on the apple juice he was drinking while his Father just look at his son with a smirk on his face.

"Why did you suddenly want to have a little brother Hiro" Daisuke ask his son with a sarcastic smile on his face looking at his beloved husband who is avoiding his gaze.

"Well, one of my classmates was bragging about his younger sibling and I thought of having one because I wanted to be a know-how to feel being an older brother"

Hiroto answered his father innocently which made Daisuke chuckle from his son's answer.

"Did you hear what our little Hiro said, my love~"

Daisuke who is making a move to Haru, caressing his husband's hand who is still avoiding him. It's already been a month since the last time they did it because they are busy with work. Haru who only took his heat suppressant this month to prevent his heat because Daisuke had a one-week business trip when he had his heat so couldn't spend time.

"I heard him loud and clear Daisuke"

Haru finally look at his husband but with some irk mark popping in his head because of the sarcastic closing eyes smile his husband is showing.

Haruto (oldest) who knows what his parents are talking about just continue his dinner but also wanted to have a cute younger sibling to spoil. Daina (2nd oldest) who also know what his parents are talking about but focus on imagining playing with his new little brother or sister because she knows her parents will give her. Hiroto (3rd oldest) who is watching his parents flirting innocently because he is only waiting for his parent's answer.

"Why? Is it hard to give me a younger sibling Papa?"

Hiroto who is asking Haru because he see on how he tries to avoid Daisuke for giving him a another sibling.

"A-ah.... sweetie it's just-"

Haru who was about finish what he was saying but got cut off when Daisuke stands up and pulls Haru to his chest and wraps his arms around Haru's waist.

"Finish your dinner, do your homework and go to sleep and maybe tomorrow you we'll have news about your new little brother"

Daisuke bluntly said making Haru look at him with a 'what!?' face.

"Hai" Ofcource the 3 followed what their father said.

"O-oi! What do you think you're doing huh, Kambe Daisuke"

Haru who is trying to get out of his husband's grip while getting dragged by Daisuke to their room while Sebas and the other servants were just standing there with the children like they didn't hear anything from the family's conversation just now.

"Looks like we'll have a another young master/lady in our house"

Sebas thought while standing straight and proud.

(And that's how Takemichi was made and don't worry Daisuke and Haru's room is scent and soundproof)

To be continued...........

I'm really sorry this was really late. After I got recovered from my headache, I still need to finish my modules and do my exam (╥﹏╥) also sorry this was short •́  ‿ ,•̀ I'm really sorry ( ;∀;)

*Wrong spellings
*Wrong grammars
*And other mistakes that I made in this chapter

*Wrong spellings*Wrong grammars*And other mistakes that I made in this chapter

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