Chapter 9

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Hahdydhejdhdb........I just read my own story and....... I feel like I want to drop this😭 can't believe I'm embarrassed about my own story that jsbsjbxhdhd, there's so many mistakes and the cringiness 🤧. Well.....I'm still a 13-year-old girl, so I still have so many things that have to learn😟. *Sign*

Hope you enjoy this chapter ☹️


Takemichi was now standing in front of a 3 story/floor bar which most gangsters, mafia's, hitman, Yakuza, and terrorists mostly visit to drink or have fun. It was hidden behind the tall buildings in Shibuya.

The raven wearing a black turtle neck with black pants, a teal winter jacket with sunglasses entered the building with his 3 bodyguards holding 2 suitcases each while following him in the back.

All the eyes of the people inside of the bar look at the raven. He doesn't look like a criminal or something, he even looks like a kid, so why would someone beautiful as him come to this kind of place?.

Takemichi went up to the counter where a girl with blue braid hair was wiping the glasses.

" Welcome, May I ask for your order," the blue braid girl asks politely.

" I would like a have a Scarlet Vino with a morello cherry on it please," the raven said while showing a little bit of his blue oceanic eyes and making people inside of the bar widen from what they heard at the raven.

" Then, please follow me" the blue lady then walks upstairs.

"Scarlet Vino is a wine that is only sold in this place. In the menu, there is nothing that says you could add something in it but if you said that you want to add Morello cherry, it will become a code or password in an assassination guild/group where you can request someone you want to kill and pay them to pay the amount they want by how hard to kill a person is and is owned by Kokonoi Hajime. Good thing Dad also has a connection in this place" the raven thought then smirked. ( I don't know what kind of job Koko do so I just made this *sign*🙂)

The blue lady lead them to the 3rd floor where the guild or office where you can request is located. She then opened the only door that is located there.

The raven then entered was greeted by a middle-aged man who has brown hair who is reading some files on his table. The raven then went towards the brown hair man who notice the raven and put down his works and smiled at the raven who is taking off his sunglasses.

" What can I do for you sir," the brown-haired man asks.

" I want to meet your master," the raven said directly to the point while smiling.

" I'm sorry sir but can you say what is your request is first," the brown-haired man said.

" 1 million, I want to meet your boss" One of the raven's guards opened one of his suitcases and put it on the middle-aged man's table.

The raven got the middle-aged man's eyes widen and smiled nervously.

" Uh- s-sorry sir but I can't let j-" the middle-aged man said a little bit shuttering but was stopped by the raven.

" 2 million" another suitcase was placed on the middle-aged man while the raven is smiling at him.

" Can I see him now?" the raven said while crossing his arms.

" I-l'll just call him!" The middle-aged man then runs towards a room to make a call which makes Takemichi chuckle.

After a few minutes, the brown-haired man got out. " I'm sorry for the inconvenience but I don't think my master can come," the brown-haired man said.

That made the ravens hum. Takemichi then signals one of his guards who has a bigger suitcase and puts it on the table.

" In these two suitcases there's a 10 million on it and that makes 20 million right, plus the other 2 million that I just gave to you that makes 22 million, so if your boss won't show up right now, I'll reduce 3 million every 5 minutes," the raven said giving the man a sadistic smile.

" Yes! I'll go get him now!" The man shouted and rush towards the room again and the raven just sign.

It's hasn't been 5 minutes but a motorcycle suddenly stops in front of the bar.

A man with sunflower blonde hair was the one driving the motorcycle and a man who had black hair with deathhawk style was rushing inside the bar.

A sudden bam from the door was heard which make the raven look who was there.

A man panting and sweating showed up.

"It hasn't still 5 minutes right?"

To be continued................

Sorry this chapter was short
My butt hurt ⊙﹏⊙ ಥ‿ಥ

*Wrong grammar
*Wrong spellings
*Bad sentences
*And other mistakes that I made in this chapter

*Wrong grammar*Wrong spellings*Bad sentences*And other mistakes that I made in this chapter

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