Chapter 5

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*Author's Note: Hey guys, I apologize for being late with my chapters again. I promise, I did not forget this story. But I'm just now posting it and I'll try to make more later on tomorrow. If you forgot, Byrce is Bugs and Drew is Daffy. Enjoy! :)

When Tina and Lola got to Drew's house, they got out of the car and walk up to the front door.

After they knocked on the door, they suddenly hear loud noises coming from the inside of the house in a clatter.

Clank! Clank!

The pots rammed loudly as Drew tried to shout out for them while handling some of the dishes with his hands.

"Just a second guys, I'll be right there!" Drew yelled through the sounds as he quickly placed some of the stuff down on the table before unlocking the door.

"Pant. Sorry about that. I just got finshed cooking." Drew said in sweats and pants while Tina laughed at him and gave him a big hug.

"Hey big bro, what's up?" Tina greeted as she released from their hug and walked inside with Lola, who perked up by the strong smell of pasta.

"Yum! It really smells good in here!" Lola squealed in excitement as Tina gave her a 'really' look and roll her eyes at her.

She loves food and literally has traveled all over the world for their rich and flavorful delicacies.

But she has yet to taste her own brother's dishes. 

And when she does, she'll be in for a big surprise.

"Eh, it's not much. Just spaghetti" Drew said modestly while closing the door behind him.

"Well, whatever it is that you're making. I don't care. I'm hungry." Lola said as she zoomed to the table, ready to consume her dinner in a matter of seconds.

"Yeah, I bet you are." Tina said sarcastically while joining her on a seat that is adjacent to her.

Wait until she sees what her brother messed up this time in his failed attempts at cooking.

And it's been like that ever since they were little where he had always wanted to master the skills of cooking that was apparently passed down from generation to generation.

First, it was their grandmother who made the best soups in town.

And then it was their mother, who was a hardworking cook at a local restaurant and makes the best homemade cheesecakes that you have ever tasted.

But for some reason when their parents tried to pass it down to them, neither of them were not meant to be chefs at all.

Drew lacked the skill, no matter how many times he's tried to make it at home and is still, in need of training.

While Tina could care less for the fun of it and had her own interests in other fields.

Making it a pure cutoff loss of tradition in the family.

"Okay then. Just try a little bit of it and tell me what you think. If it sucks, I'll throw it all out and we can go to a fast food place instead." Drew said, who was unsure that she'll even like it or not and was prepared for the worst in case.

"Oh, I'm sure it's not that bad." Lola said, confidently as she rolled up the pasta with her fork and took the first bite of it before stopping immediately in a horrified wince.

The overwhelming taste of garlic and overcooked noodles was giving in the obvious urge to throw it all up, but she still kept trying to hold it in long enough for her to be nice and politely spit it out elsewhere.

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