Chapter 4

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*Authors note: Since it's been two weeks I'd thought that I treat you to another chapter as well. Enjoy! :) If you forget Bryce is Bugs and Drew is Daffy.

When Drew made it to the grocery store, he got out of the car and headed inside. 

While he was grabbing a buggy from the front entrance area, he stopped abruptly and felt yet, another strange feeling that someone was watching him again!

He decided to see who it was and say something to this person since he couldn't last time as he turns around and suddenly expresses a dumbfounded look on his face.

There was nobody nearby looking at him at all!

And he shook his head for feeling stupid to think otherwise.

"Geez, what's wrong with me? Maybe I'm just going crazy over that one dude. I better get some wine before I head on home later. I'm gonna need a whole bottle of it if I'm ever going to sleep tonight." Drew said to himself in a mumble as he pushes his buggy, unaware that someone was in fact, watching him from a distance but not in a cold way that Drew was perceiving it to be.

This one was warmer but yet, cool in its own mysterious way.

The guy smiled and followed him to a close isle that had the pastas and sauces stacked up in selves

He attempted to wait a bit before starting a conversation while Drew debates to himself over a couple products of pasta.

Then, when the time felt okay for a start, he walked over Drew.

"Whatcha got there?" The guy asked, in a curious and sly tone.

Enough to spook you some, but also enough to reel you in like a lures bait.

" pasta for spaghetti, I guess. I'm not much of a good cook, but my sister and her friend are coming over to my house in a few hours so I thought that I'd make them something before they get there." Drew said, nervously.

The guy was nice enough, but he still got a chill shivering down his back from how the guy first approached him.

Is he that curious to know about pasta?

Or just interested in only talking to me?

Drew thought, confused.

It once again creeped him out but somehow, started to subtle in a little when he takes a second look at him and sees that maybe he was just trying to be nice.

After all, you can't judge a book entirely by it's cover, right?

"That's sounds really good. Sorry for startling you like that. I should have introduced myself earlier. Hi, I'm Bryce." Bryce said with his hand out, wearing a more easygoing smile.

"Drew." Drew said, now relaxed as he shook his hand.

"So Drew, what brings you to town?" Bryce asked in a friendly tone.

"I just got a new job at a private university in Los Angeles. Have you ever heard of Looney Tune University?" Drew asked.

"Yeah, my sister is going there soon and so am I. But I'll have to see about my class schedule. I don't start my first class until Monday." Bryce said, shrugging his shoulders.

He couldn't care less about the classes, but was glad to know that he might be seeing this guy a lot more often then he had anticipated.

"So do I. But I'm not a student. I work over there as one of their history professors." Drew informed as Bryce widen his eyes in surprise.

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