Start from the beginning

"...Thank you for loving me." He sob laughs, hugging her tighter as if she's gonna slip away from him. Y/n totally forgot that this is the same guy who went under her shirt to suck, her face right now is probably the same as the moyai statue but smiled afterwards. Feeling a little bold, Y/n cupped his cheeks giving Amane a quick smooch on his lips.



In retaliation, Amane slips his hands on her waist, tugged her closer as she gasped and kissed her on the spot, a little longer than she did. Pulling away with a smirk he said. "How bold of you to make the first move~" He cooed. Amane turned his head to the pile of notebooks from the able and back to Y/n. "We should call it a day, I'm already starving."

"Let me whip up something to eat, I already set the rice cooker so all I have to do is to cook dinner." Y/n stood up from the floor as she walked towards the kitchen, grabbed the apron and put it on. "Just go watch something."

Around five to ten minutes, Y/n was frying up some pork cutlets using her chopsticks while humming mindlessly. 'What could have happened to Karuto though? Is it really over? For some reason it lacks something dramatic...' She turned over to sauté the onions to the other pan for a few minutes then going back to watch the pork cutlet. "It was kind for Ayumi-san to send in some groceries."

"What chu making?" Amane walked over behind her and placed his chin on top of her shoulder, looking over to what she was cooking. Y/n knew how to cook when she started middle school since her mother is getting busier and busier as a chemical engineer along with her father so sometimes they have no time to cook and she decided to learn how to, just so she can prove that she can be reliable.


"Ooooh~" Amane stared down in awe, smiling contently while she was making their food for the night. Y/n wouldn't exactly call herself a great cook but she does know how to, besides its better to know how to cook rather than being good at it, it's all about survival. "Man, I'm so lucky to have you~"

"Ehem, anyways." Y/n's cheeks turned red at his compliment, she carefully puts the beaten egg along with the pork cutlet and onions. She grabbed the rice bowls and placed the food on top of it. "Yes finally! I didn't mess up the plating, take that Home Economics teacher!"

The two started to eat their food on the table, Amane liked the way she made katsudon even though Y/n stated that literally everyone do the same process but she could tell that he was pleased. "I remember back then where mom and dad was really busy, I'd wake up early to make boxed lunches for me and Hina. She really liked it when I cut the spam in star shapes."

"I sometimes cook donuts too when I feel like it, Hina used to love them too." Y/n started to tell a story on how she managed to start cooking on such a young age. "Like they say, we always struggle from the start. Mom taught me how to cook when we were still in good terms, I'd always mess up until I get the hang of it."

"She tried to teach Hina, and ended up burning the whole thing, she almost arsoned the whole house." Y/n chuckled, remembering those times back when it was still okay and well. Amane knew how to make a boxed lunch, only the sausage and egg rolls part like what he did when Y/n left her lunch back then and he had to cook her one with the help of Yashiro. "I know its been three years since her death, but you can't help but to miss someone when you already know they're not coming back at all."

Amane slowly chews on his food, listening intentively at Y/n. "Like who knows, your bestfriend would turn out to be your enemy in the end, it's common knowledge to think that the bond between both won't return but deep inside you two wanted to reconcile. Isn't it funny, remember telling someone to fuck off and when you turn back you wish you didn't say that."

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