Paul Stanley x Eric Carr the starchild gets sick

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Unmasked era.

Erics pov

I woke up at 10 am. I must have been exhausted last night because I crashed close to 1 am. I look over to Paul who was still sleeping. I got out of bed and decided to make myself coffee. We had another show tonight and I was not really looking forward to it. I was already so tired and we only did ten shows so far. All I wanted to do was sleep.

The coffee maker finished and I got out the creamer. I looked down and was wearing my leather pants still. I removed my makeup before I went to the bed to lie down though, so I was only wearing my pants and furry red leather jacket. I got out a cup and filled it with ice, since I wanted iced coffee this morning. I took it to the couch and turned on the tv. I picked up a random magazine and started to look at it since I had nothing better to do. Paul was still asleep and we didn't need to be at the venue till 4.

A few minutes later, I heard Paul groan and then a thud. I set down my coffee and ran into the bedroom.

"Paul. Are you ok? Did you fall off the bed." I said and held back my laughter.
"Mhm." He groaned back. He didn't get up though, he just layed there and covered his eyes.
"Are you ok?" I asked. He just curled his legs to his chest and nodded.
"Hey. What's wrong?" I asked and knelt down next to him. He just shrugged.
"Are you sick?" I ask as I put one of my hands to his forehead. He was burning up.
"Aw. You're sick Paul. You have a fever. Here. Let's get you back in bed." I say and lift him back up into the bed we slept in last night. He hugged me and when I tried to walk away, he didn't let go.

"Do you need something?" I ask him and put one of my hands on his cheek.
"Can you...stay...with me?" He said shakily.
"O-of coarse Paul. Just let me get my coffee ok?" I said and he let me go. I went back over to were I sat and grabbed my coffee and the magazine. I came back and sat up on the wall and saw Paul. He was half out of the blankets with his knees buried in his face and slightly shivering. I pulled the blankets over him and he shifted slightly, and when I pulled my hand away from the blanket, he pulled it over his head.

"Are you gonna be ok for the show tonight?" I ask him, running my hand through his hair under the blanket.
"I hope so." He groaned and held my hand. I smiled slightly.

Gene came in the room and asked if we wanted to do something before we had to leave for the show. I told him that Paul was burning up and I don't know if we'll even be able to do the show.

"We're doing the show." Paul said from under the sheets.
"Paul. You're sick. You shouldn't perform when you're sick." I told him, cupping his face in my hands.
"Not if I take something." He got up and went to his bag.
"Paul. You can't perform tonight." I followed him.
"Yes I can. And I will." He said, putting a pill in his mouth, then some water and swallowing.
"If he's better by time we leave, we'll do the show. If not, we'll have to reschedule." Gene said and put an arm around Paul and lead him back to our room.
I went back as well and Gene left.

"E-Eric. Umm can...can we...umm...cuddle?" Paul said shakily. I was shocked, but smiled and nodded.
"Yeah. Yeah we can cuddle." I said nervously. With that, he crawled onto my chest and nuzzled the side of his face in it.

*time skip*

I woke up to Gene telling us that it was time to get ready to leave.
"Are you feeling any better Paul?" He asked, leaning against the door frame.
"Yeah. I am." Paul smiled and sat up from my chest.
"Alright. We leave in 5 minutes." Gene replied and left.

*time skip to when they get to the venue*

Paul's pov

We got to the venue and I felt a little better.
"How are you feeling Paul? Eric told me you were sick earlier." Our manager asked me.
"Yeah. I'm feeling better." I told him as I entered the backstage area of the venue.
"Good. Just let me know if you start to feel bad again." He responded.

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