Chapter 28: First Hangover

Start from the beginning

AAAAAHHHH!!! How could do such a thing!?!!! To G?!?!  UUGGHH!!!  I'm a terrible person... I whined in inside of my head. 

"Ugh doll, you okay?" G asks. I uncover my hands from over my face and regain my posture turning back to G with a lazy grin. 

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why do you ask?" I splutter, attempting to mask the high pitched embarrassment in my tone. He tilts his head slightly, raising a bonebrow. 

"You look like you're going to have a mental breakdown," he says, a hint of concern in his voice. I fan my hand out like a girl while holding the other one under my chin. Why did I do that?

"Oh no, certainly not, I'm just--- just fine," I strain a smile, flipping the sheets off my legs. I look at my dress and sigh. "Geez, I don't get how I let Mettaton get me to wear this, I look like a slut."

"A sexy slut,~" G comments. I snap my head up to his gaze. Instead of feeling angry at his comment, I felt slightly better at his words. Then, an idea or rather a thought popped into my head. I raise a brow out of reluctance as a conniving smirk appears on my face. 

"Oh, so now you think I'm sexy?~" I inquire. I pull my legs diagonally over G's lap and cross my legs, one over the other. I settle my hands behind me on the sheets, innocently pretending this wasn't weird. I watch G's cheeks heat up a bright yellow. I lightly giggle, tilting my head to the side. "So, wanna answer my question, hunny?~"

"Tibia honest with ya', you're the sexiest woman I've ever met,~" G cooes, returning the tone I gave him. "Hunny~" A dark pink blush suddenly dusts my cheeks. I roll my eyes and scoff slightly frowning, trying to hide my smile behind it.

"Wow, you're quite the charmer G," I hum sarcastically. I take my legs off his lap and hop off the bed grabbing my set of clothes, heading to the bathroom. I turn my back towards him, a smirks on my lips so he couldn't see. "But thanks for the compliment though." I close the door behind me without another word.


After taking a shower, I put on my clean undergarments that Mettaton had brought over with informing G. I also put on the pair of clothes G had given me. It was a gray sweater with black leather pants, white socks, and black boots. The sweater went down, stopping above my knees, it also somewhat restrained my chest but I could breathe. And the pants... that was a bit of a struggle but I managed. Afterwards, I had everything on and caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. The outfit was... it literally showed every curve possible on my body. A faint pink blush ran across my face. I turned halfway in the mirror to check the back. Yep, very fitting, too fitting. It emphasizes my ass and my chest!!! I turned back and pulled the sweater down, hoping to straighten out the infrastructure of my curves. It didn't work.

I inwardly squealed, screaming. What will G say if he sees me like this!?! Is he going to notice!?! Is he not?! What will the others say?!! Mmm... this isn't good, I mentally sob against  the counter. I hear a knock the door, making me jump. 

"Hey doll, you okay in there?" G asks through the door. I let out a little squeak.

"Oh-um, yeah. Just-um one minute and I'll be out!" I splutter. 

"Okay... well breakfast is downstairs if ya' want some," he says.

"Okay, thank you!" 

I hear his footsteps walk away from the door and after a few minutes of holding my breath, I take out a sigh of relief. Then worry and insecurity fills me again as I bite my lip. I have to go out there eventually, can't stay here forever. I look at the door and hesitantly walk towards it. I grab ahold of the knob and turn it, opening the door. I look to my right where the bed was to see G wasn't there. He must be down stairs then, I thought.

 I walk out of the room and silently head down stairs. I see that the TV's on and the whole gang seems to be there, but luckily I'm facing their backs. I tiptoe quietly past the living room and into the kitchen. I enter the empty kitchen and grab some water from the fridge then set it down on the counter. I turn around to be meet a skeleton in the doorway.

"Gagh!!" I quietly scream, flinching. I put a hand to my chest at the fright, my breath taking out a sigh of relief. "G, you-- you scared me. I thought you were in the living room with everyone else." He re-positions himself from the doorway, shifting his weight to one leg. 

"Nope, thought I heard somethin' so I came over," he lazily grins. His eyelights travel up and down my clothing. Why is he looking at me like that? "Ya' look great doll." I softly blush while fumbling with my hands behind my back. 

"Oh-um, thank you," I muse, nervous. My insides feel like slush and heart is fluttering fast for some reason. G seems to notice my nervous state however, even though I wish he hadn't.

"Wanna get some fresh air? Ya' look like you need it," he gestures. I grab water bottle off the counter and nod. 

[DISCONTINUED] Intertwined (G Sans x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now