Concerned Family, Dinner, and Movie Night

Start from the beginning

Pulling her thumb away from her mouth she let out "I had a bad dream dada."

"Oh Bambina. Can you tell me what your dream was about? Hmm?" Tony asked while brushing his fingers through her hair and rubbing his fingers through her scalp.

"In my dream both you and mom told me that I was a disappointment, and I was a horrible son and no matter how many times I tried to tell you that I was a girl no one would listen. So, I ran the next thing I know someone came over to me and told me that I did not deserve to be a part of the family. Even though I knew it was not true I still felt sad, and I started to cry. Then I found myself on a tall building in the downtown New York wanting to jump in my mind I was screaming at myself not to do it, but it was too late I had jumped. No matter how much I had screamed for help or for you, Mama or Petey to save me no one would, and I ended up falling and dying. Then I saw that all of you were happy without me when I tried to communicate with you all. I wasn't heard. The next thing I knew I was waking up in my room with Petey to comfort me."

While she was explaining Tony felt his heart breaking for his baby girl, he should have been here to comfort her from her nightmares, but instead he was downstairs chewing out the rest of the avengers for not thinking about her safety around the training room. That was important, but her mental health was another priority and if she was having nightmares frequently then he felt like he had to be there to help her through the fear.

By the time she was done explaining her nightmare Anna had started to cry all over again. Tony took the only approach he knew that had worked when he would have a nightmare and his mother would calm him down when he was young. So hesitantly he started to hum a song that his mother hummed to him when he was scared and started to whisper to calmly "Your safe Bambina. Papa's here nothing can hurt you Tesoro." While Anna only snuggled closer into her fathers embrace her cries calming significantly.

The calm that had washed over them was interrupted when Anna's tummy started to growl reminding them that they had yet to eat. Letting out a small chuckle at his daughter he asked, "Are you hungry Bambina?" She blushed and shook her head yes hiding her face further into the crock of her fathers neck. As if they had heard Anna's stomach, Pepper, Peter, and Harley came out with enough food that could feed an army but was only for their family. Giving a small smile to his wife and saying thank you to the boys who put so much work into the meal. Tony was ready to dig into the delicious food in front of him and one look at Anna showed that she was thinking the same thing. Before they had a chance to fix themselves a plate Peter spoke up "Wait, before you fix a plate for yourselves, we are going to have FRIDAY call everyone to the table to eat."

"FRIDAY, tell the avengers and Lacey that dinner is ready."

"Of course, Peter."

Minutes later FRIDAY spoke up, "The avengers are on their way and Lacey did not wake up and told me to tell you to shove off and let her sleep."

"Hey FRI, did Lacey really say shove off?" Anna asked.

"No, she actually said something else instead, but per the little ears protocol I am not allowed to repeat the word that miss Strange actually said."

"I thought so. I wonder why we didn't hear Cap say Language when she said it?" Anna wondered aloud.

"Who knows. Maybe he was busy?" Harley suggested with a look towards his boyfriend.

"I'm going to hope that you are not implying what I think you are Harley James Keener!" Pepper said with a look of shock on her face.

Harley looked scared at Pepper as if suddenly realizing that what he said was taken the wrong way and was trying to save himself from an incredibly angry Pepper. Meanwhile Tony was laughing at the sight and Peter looked like he wanted the ground to swallow him whole while trying to hide the blush that had made its way onto his cheeks. Anna and Morgan were trying to plot a way to get Lacey out of Anna's room. They were on their fifth idea (which involved an airhorn and duct tape) when Anna remembered that her mother would always use one of FRIDAY's Protocols to wake her brother up in the morning. The protocol was called wakeup call and it would play the persons least favorite music loudly until they would get out of bed. Smiling to herself she looked at Rose and asked her through her phone if she would be able to activate wakeup call in her room without anyone else knowing. When R.O.S.E. said she could Anna gave her the go ahead to do it until Lacey had walked out of her room and she also told ROSE not to have it so loud that Lacey would be hurt just loud enough that she would be awoken.

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