"Oh, wow. I never seen a teacher that young before. When did you finish school?" Bryce asked, interested.

"A couple of months ago. I just graduated from a college back home in Arizona and that place happened to been one of the first to have me in for the job." Daffy explained.

"That's pretty amazing. I guess you must have prepped this for a long time." Bryce said, amused.

"It's been a lifelong dream. And everyone has to accomplish their own goals one way or another right?" Drew asked, excitedly.

"Yeah." Bryce said with a half smile, thinking about how he doesn't even know what he wants himself but, hopes that he can find it someday.

Drew then looked at his watch and jolts at the amount of time that the two had taken, talking to each other.

"W...well I got to go, but it was nice talking to you." Drew said while quickly trying to push his buggy away.

"You too. Oh before you go, can we exchange numbers?" Bryce asked while watching Drew suddenly froze at the sudden request.

He couldn't tell if the question was scaring him or making him anxious but, from the way he answered it, it looked as if either or was the case.

"M...maybe the next time that we bump into each other. But right now, I really have to go." Drew stuttered out as he rolled his buggy past Bryce and started to leave the isle.

"Okay, I'll be seeing you around then." Bryce said as he waved goodbye to him and laughed at the guy's nervousness.

Even though he hardly met the guy, he was already starting to feel a sense of attraction to him.

But in a good, teasing way, that is.

When the coast was clear, Drew let out a huge sigh and flopped his head on the front end of the buggy while waiting to check out his stuff.

*Sigh. Good grief! Why is everyone so interested in me? Is it that obvious that I'm new in town?! Drew thought, lifting his head up and placed the food on the checkout roller while watching Bryce abruptly leave the store area as if he only came there to just talk to him.

Man was he having some luck with his stalkers.


Meanwhile, as promised, Lola turned her head up over the arrival announcement and shook her friend awake.

"Tina wake up." Lola called out to her.

"Huh? Okay I'm coming." Tina said in a half yawn while stretching out her legs.

As the plane came to a stop, the passengers then start to get up and collect their luggages from the overhead cabinets.

Tina then got hers out too while Lola halfway scrolled through her phone before pulling hers out from their shared cabinet.

"I'm gonna check on Bryce and see if he needs anything." Lola said as she scanned around the area and noticed that her brother didn't even show up at all!

"What the..." Lola said in a rush and confused tone while Tina looks over at her in a similar expression.

"What happened?" Tina asked.

"Bryce is not here. He was supposed to board on our plane but I don't see him anywhere." Lola explained.

"Pfft. He probably just decided to ditch out on the whole school thing at the very last minute." Tina smirked.

"No, he promised that he would show up. I'm gonna call him and see." Lola said while speed dialing him.

"Hey, where are you at?" Lola asked while her and Tina walked out of the plane and onto the arrival center of the airport.

"What?! How did you get to Los Angeles so fast?" Lola asked when Bryce told her that he was already here.

"Oh, okay. Well, I promise that won't tell dad about it. At least you got there safe anyways..... Okay, I'll talk to you later then. Bye." Lola said after Bryce explained to her about his other form of riding into town before hanging up the phone.

"So, where's your biker bro?" Tina asked sarcastically when she saw that Lola was done talking.

"He said that he had already arrived to Los Angeles, but rented a motorcycle to drive there himself since he didn't want to be part of a flight and I told him that our parents don't have to know about it as long as he got there safe." Lola said

"Haha. Man, some things never change for that guy." Tina said in a hardy laugh before she immediately quit from the sour look that Lola was now giving her from the insult.

"*Ahem. Sorry. I was just kidding." Tina said as the two grabbed their stuff from the reaming luggage pickup center and headed outside to find a cab.

"It's okay, but I would still like to think that he has actually changed." Lola said, confidently as the two climbed into a stopping cab.

"Take us to 34th mainland street." Tina instructed the driver before shutting the doors behind them.

"You got it." The cab driver said while driving on in GPS like direction.

"Oh yeah, and how do you know that?" Tina asked whenever she got a chance to speak to Lola again.

"He said that he meant someone today at a grocery store and was really excited about it. I think this person can turn his life around." Lola said in a sweet tone.

She had always supported that her brother might be part of a relationship soon and hopes that it'll make a huge difference to his lifestyle.

"Well I for one, feel sorry for whoever decided to be associated with your brother." Tina said sarcastically as the two sat back in the car and waited for the cab ride on towards Drew's house.

Rebellious Hearts: Looney Tunes UniversityWhere stories live. Discover now