Karina:Night Shower(18+)

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I enter the house once I got home from my university, It was quite exhausting and I'm burnt out. I need a break.

I walk upstairs to get a hot shower and release all my stress from my works.

When I got inside the room that I share with my girlfriend, Who's an K-POP Idol. No one knows about it and If someone founds out and make an issue about it. I will protect Karina with all cost. I don't care if people talk shit about us, What matters is I love her so much.

I slowly strip my clothes and reach for my bath towel. I went to the bathroom and start to take a hot shower.


Karina POV

“Bye, Thank you manager nim.” I thanked my manager for dropping me off my house. I waved my hand goodbye as the van left.

I took my spare key out and open the door. I got inside and suspect that she is home. I saw her shoes at the side and I felt happy that she is home right now.

Both of us are busy with our work and We barely spend our time together. I missed her so much.

I went upstairs and enter our room. I saw her clothes on the chair. I walk and reach for her used clothes and placed it on the laundry box.

I strip off and placed it inside the laundry box. I look at bathroom door-only to figure out that Y/N is taking a shower. I wanna join her.



I caress my hair while washing it with water. I felt relief and relax by feeling the hot water. It's like I am slowly forgetting all my problems.

I wipe my face when I suddenly felt someone from behind.


I turn around and saw Karina behind me. I smiled and she did the same as I went closer to give her a hug.

“Karinaa, I missed you so much.” I said to her while hugging her so tight. I hear her chuckle as She hug me back.

“I missed you too, Baby.” She caress my wet hair as We broke the hug. We look at each other.

“Why didn't you tell me that your going home? I should have cooked you dinner.” I told her and abit disappointed. She chuckles.

“It's fine, Baby. I already ate with the members. How about you?” She ask me.

“I haven't.” I only said as She furrow her eyebrow. I can see that she is questioning herself why i didn't eat.

“Why? You need to eat. Do you want me to cook for you? I'll just--” She was about to exit the bathroom but I pulled her back.

“I want this.” I grab her cock and kneel down. She was still in her spot, surprise at the current situation but she felt excited.

She looks down on me with an awe and groan as her little one got hard from the motion. I pump his hard shaft in a moderate pace.“Gosh Babe.” She threw her head at the back and open her mouth.

Once I took her cock, It hardened and grew bigger. She's so big.

We've done it once and It was a hell. It hurt alot cause It was my first time but now, It made me wonder if i can take her inside me.

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