Chapter 9

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“Hey, Mom, what are you up to?”

I spent the morning hanging out with my sisters-in-law and all my nieces and nephews that I don’t see as much anymore. It was nice to be around them and catch up, but of all of the people I miss, I miss my mom the most. She was older when she had me, I was unexpected, to say the least, but I never felt like a mistake. She always told me that I was her missing piece. I was the piece that brought the entire family. She was strict and her expectations were high, but she was my best friend. She said that her years of parenting experience and seeing the way that my cousins were raised gave her an insight into being a better mom by the time she had me. I just think we were more similar than not.

Dustin was still outside working with the guys. He had texted me when they took a break for lunch, apparently, the morning was pretty rough. That didn’t surprise me at all, none of those men out there were going to give him an easy time. Dustin had it in his head that he had something to prove. I knew it wouldn’t go well for him, but nobody was going to listen to me. I just hoped he didn’t end up with a broken arm or a concussion.

“Do you want to help me frost the Christmas cookies?” Mom held up one of the bowls of colored buttercream frosting. This was something I could get down with while waiting for Dustin to return for the day.

I took a seat across the dining room table from my mom and started with the red frosting. Right away I was taken back to my childhood. While the guys were busy working outside, I would be in here helping my mom with baking or cleaning. I loved working with the animals and frequently took in the chance to get dirty with the guys, but I also knew my dad would rarely make me go out there. I took advantage of being the princess of the family hen it benefitted me.

“I’m surprised that you don’t have all the grandbabies up here helping you.”

“I thought about it, but I also love when I can put some Christmas music on low and enjoy the silence. I love those babies so much, Ella, but they are a lot of work.”

I giggled, thinking back to my morning. Mom was right, with six babies ranging from a year old up to seven, there was no chance at a relaxing cookie decorating session. “They do get a bit crazy. Was that what it was like when we were all babies too?”

Mom smiled at the memory, “Absolutely. For the longest time, it was just your brothers running around this place. Then it seemed like out of nowhere the dam broke free and the ranch was filled with all these new babies and kids. It was chaotic but I think it brought life back to this place, especially after…well you know.”


“Yeah,” My mom sighed and I could see the hurt that remained in her heart even after all these years. There was no doubt in my mind that she loved my dad and they were soulmates, but I also knew that she had loved before Granger Turner swept her off her feet. That love was no less important to her life. “Max would have loved every second being surrounded by grandchildren. I love that he got to spend time with the boys when they were young, but there will always be a bit of pain that he wasn’t able to see them grow into family men like himself.”

“I didn’t mean to bring the mood down, Mom.”

“Oh don’t be silly, baby girl. The loss will never go away and I never want the day to come where I don’t remember the hand he had in building this family. You know, Uncle Mitch would probably not be here if it weren’t for Max.”

“I know. He’ll always be here in spirit.”

“Exactly.” Mom pats the corner of her eyes dry with a paper towel and then almost magically changes the topic to me. “So, let’s gossip while the guys aren’t here, things are going well with you and Dustin?”

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