"I...I don't really know. Shaken up of course, but I'm just....I'm happy to have made it back. There's...there's a lot I'll have to process, but with Daichi and everyone else, I'm sure I'll be okay," you softly reply. It was the truth. You really weren't sure how you were feeling. It was weird. Even right now in the presence of someone you knew, you still felt unsettled. All you wanted was Daichi to be here with you. "Hey Imai...do you think you could maybe give Daichi a call and let him know I'm up? I'd really like to see him."

"Oh don't worry...he said he wouldn't be too long. I'm sure he'll be back any second," Imai grinned. "So you're really just doing okay?" he asked again, taking a seat on your bed and reaching out to hold your hand in his.

You stared down at your hands. His thumb was gently grazing over your knuckles as he held your fingers in his.

"N-no. I'm not saying I'm okay. I just...know I'm safe." Why didn't you feel safe though? Your heart was starting to race. Something was off. You really wanted Daichi to be back by now.

"That's true. You are safe now. I'm sorry you had to go through everything you did. Haku wasn't supposed to hurt you like that. And then when he killed that guy in front of you, I can't imagine how scared you must have felt," Imai stated calmly, a look of concern on his face as he reached forward with his other hand and caressed your cheek. You held your breath.

"Imai...how did you know that?"

You hadn't told anyone that you had witnessed that happening. Even Kuroo didn't know.

"Well..." Imai chuckled. You watched as the concerned expression on his face turned cold. His eyes lost all of the warmth they carried earlier, and instead, he glared at you with a smirk on his lips.


"What's this, Nori? Why are you so stiff all of a sudden. You're behaving as if something bad has happened."

"How do you know Haku killed someone in front of me?" you urgently asked again, jerking your hand away from his.

"That hurts my feelings. Why did you pull your hand away from me like that? Isn't that a bit rude?" he asked, cocking his head to the side with a sinister grin forming on his face. It made you uneasy.

You didn't know what was happening, but you weren't going to wait to find out. The remote to call the nursing station wasn't too far from you. All you had to do was press the button. Keeping your eyes trained on Imai, you lunged to the side to reach for it, but he was quicker.

"No you don't, Nor! How textbook of you," he laughed as he wrapped his arms around your body and dragged you back towards him. "I'm surprised you're still even able to move so quickly."

He pushed the remote out of your reach. You struggled against him, causing the stand your IV bags were hanging on to topple to the floor with a loud crash. The door suddenly opened, and you looked up to see a TMPD officer, the one who had pulled you over on Thursday, looking at the scene unfolding in front of him with wide eyes.

"Nishimura! Help me hold her down. She started panicking as soon as she woke up. I don't want her to hurt herself!" Imai let out with feigned panic. Nishimura bolted to the other side of the bed to attempt to restrain you as well.

"No! Leave me alone! Don't listen to hi—"

But it was too late. Imai had already reached across and grabbed the taser off of Nishimura's duty belt. He turned it on, and the loud crackling sound of electricity filled the room. You watched as Nishimura's eyes went wide before he dropped to the floor with a dull thud. Imai had tased him on the back of the neck. You were too shocked to scream as you stared at his shaking body.

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