Part 10

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Bucharest Street Market, Romania, March 2016

"Cum sunt? Sunt ele bune?" Bucky surveyed the plums, debating how many he should get. Y/n had insisted on going to the market with him today, but while she stopped at a bookstore, he had managed to slip away to fetch a treat for her. "Dă-mi șase, vă mulțumesc."

He walked back down the street, watching an ambulance speed by. His hair stood on edge, and he felt his muscles clench. It was just an ambulance, he tried to convince himself, no one was watching them. They had been in Romania for almost 2 years. They were safe. Then his eyes landed on the newsstand across the road. The man behind the counter was staring curiously at him.

He turned away, then turned back to check. The man was still watching.

Bucky hoped that if he could talk to the man, he would find it was a mistake, but as he grew near, the man ran from the booth.

The paper the man had been reading lay on the counter. 'WINTER SOLDIER CĂUTAT PENTRU BOMBARDAMENTUL DIN VIENA' was the front-page heading. A picture was included; it was blurry and unfocused but resembled Bucky. He scanned the article quickly and found no mention of Y/n. Maybe he could run without her, let her stay here where she's happy.

"What is it?" Y/n asked, appearing beside him.

Too late. "I need to go."

"We need to go. We'll go to the apartment, grab the bags, and be gone in a flash. Did someone notice you?" He nodded. "Shit. Okay, we'll take the back roads."

The front of the apartment was overrun with non-descript vehicles, so they took the fire escape around back. Their windows were covered with newspaper, but they could see a shadow moving around.

Bucky volunteered to grab their stuff while Y/n kept watch. She only stayed out for a few moments before she noticed soldiers circling the building. They were going to have to fight to get out, and it was best they did it together.

She climbed through the window, immediately recognizing the other man.

"Who are you?" Steve Rogers, Captain America, asked.

Y/n ignored him and went to Bucky's side. "They've surrounded us," she whispered. "We need to go now."

"I wasn't in Vienna," Bucky told Steve, locking his hand with Y/n's. "I don't do that anymore."

"Well, the people who think you did are coming here now. And they're not planning on taking you alive."

"That's smart. Good strategy."

They could hear footsteps echoing above them. The soldiers were on the roof.

Y/n moved past Bucky, grabbing a bag from the cupboard.

"This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck."

"I'm sorry, Mr. America," Y/n slid past the captain, grabbing some food, "but it always ends in a fight."

The calmness of the couple was unnerving the captain. He stepped closer to Bucky. "You pulled me from the river! Why?"

"I don't know." Bucky took his gloves off.

"Yes, you do."

A flash grenade broke through the window, and the captain knocked it away. A second one landed at Bucky's feet, and he kicked it to Steve.

Bucky lifted the mattress to the window, preventing other destructive devices from entering.

Soldiers banged at the door, so Y/n flipped the table to make a barricade.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2021 ⏰

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