Chapter 22: Poison

Începe de la început

So, being a fairy and all, I turned into my human-fairy form, which means I have my wings and just decided to just fly from there to here and use my floating magic so I don't have to carry that heavy guy.

I put down my hand as I lay down Kai on the bed. I swayed my hand around and around and the blanket automatically moved to cover him.

So what if I'm a bit lazy? What's the purpose of our powers? Duh~

I went out the room and while going walking down the hallway, I saw Sunmi already tired as she enter the other room.

Sunmi's PoV

Ugghh... I'm gonna let Luna pay for this thing! She knows I'm not capable of doing hard things like this.

I sighed in relief as soon as I set Chen down on the bed.

"You sure are heavy..." I said and stretched my back. I felt like I just carried a dozen of adult trolls...

I went out the room and went down stairs which I really regretted afterwards.

Nova's PoV

I gently placed Tao on top of his new bed. It was actually dark inside the room so I decided to turn the lights on since as far as I know this guy has a tough image but scared of ghost and stuffs especially the dark.

Well, I have been following him for a very long time now. I have been following him since I was ten and he was around 11... I smiled as I remember the first time we met. I kissed his cheek and smiled.

I know that what I'm doing right now is so darn wrong but if Luna and that guy can do it, well, I think we can, too.

Hannie's PoV

I smiled as I look at his sleeping face. I sat beside him on the bed.

"You've been kicking all the other members when they sit on your bed when all along I've been doing that since you were just 5 and I was just 4..." I giggled as I thought about that.

"I remember you being chased by an SM agent... and I have to trip him so he'll stop..." I said and fixed his hair.

"Ghad, I miss your smiles, your laughter and everything as long as it's you..." I said as tears form by the corner of my eyes.

"I-I love you Lulu..." I said and broke into tears.

Kristen's PoV

I harshly threw this tower guy on the bed. Puh-lease he's damn heavy and I don't know why I have to do this. Is thid kind of a punishment?

I mean, look at him. Okay, I admit he's fabulous but Duh...

"I'm more fabulous than you, you tower!" I said and rolled my eyes on him.

I can't take this anymore cuz he is do darn fabulous,too. I know, I'm to... Umm what do you call that? Self-confidence? Brutal? I don't know... >.< After thinking about it to much, I got bored and so I decided to go down to be with the other girls.

Aerin's PoV

I put him down on the bed as gente as possible but since it was to dark to see anything, I suddenly tripped into something and ended up falling on top of Suho.

"Ouch! Why are you so heavy!" I complained to myself...

"Who am I talking to? Of course he's asleep..." I mentally slapped myself.

I gently turned around so that I was above him. I was about to stand when I happened to be starring at his angelic face. He will deffo fit as an angel since he is so innocent.

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