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"Be my date."

"Excuse me?"

"You earlier said that the only way to get back at him was to do something he would never expect me to do. I don't want him to take me for granted. You yourself do not have a date yet. What else would be better than to go out with his long standing rival?"



"Forget I said anything. I'm sorry. I didn't think this through. I didn't realize you may not be interested-"

"Close the door when you come in after the rambling, we have got a lot to discuss."


"She doesn't deserve this, Natalie deserves more than being thought of as a- I feel disgusted to even think of it!! Your mother was nothing like the person you were made to believe, dear. She deserves better than to be remembered so demeaningly by one of her only children..."

"Well, you weren't exactly there to clear things for me, we're you now!!"


"You seem to be rather fixated that I do not favour you. "

"I, -"

"Though absolutely true, that doesn't mean I do not wish you well. "


"Today's session is dismissed. "

"I sorry, I Swear I didn't –"

"I can't help you if you don't trust me enough to even let me touch you."

"I didn't mean it like that-"

" I realize you're still dealing with the aftereffects of the incident girl, and this had noth-nothing to do with me, but that microsecond of hesitation, weakness is all your attacker would need to overpower you. You can't let your fears overpower you again."


"Ah, young romance, I see, I see... Your grandfather will not be exactly pleased. Though he has no problem with such indulgence, rather he would encourage it, don't you think you can do a lot better than them? I mean, what's the big deal about these Japanese whores anyway? Your father was just as smitten by them. And look how it all turned out to be.

I realize I'm interrupting a rather lustful night of yours... But remember, for as long as you don't make them your wife or have kids with them, I don't see why there'll be any issues. I'm deeply worried about the future of our company, we don't want history repeating itself, to be stuck with a bastard child as heir to one of the strongest, biggest business empires of the world."


" So, let's skip the pleasantries. You know I'm not pleased to be sitting here with you.

I have heard all about your playboy antics. What's your motive? And don't you dare try fooling me punk, for I know exactly how playboys work. And they wouldn't let things happen if they don't have an insentive in it. So, if you dare try misbehaving or taking advantage of the situation, I don't care how powerful yo-"

"Spare me the monologue, sir, I hear quite a many as it is, and I know your heart isn't in it. You want a reason to trust me. You know exactly well that you can't do anything if I hurt her. "

"Wanna bet on that, you son of a-"

"The only reason I'm here, putting up with this sh*t is because I owe your daughter. I was never interested in her. And she was off limits from the day I met her. And you have absolutely no idea of how nerve-racking their baseless bickering is. The dojo would be way more peaceful to train at. This is all the reason I can offer. No thank you for the coffee. "

How Things Changed Forever..          PART - IIWhere stories live. Discover now