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School was over and now I'm walking home with Nami and the others.

"Hey, since christmas is around the corner, what are your plans?" Ussop asked.

"We we're planning on visiting the shrine and then go out and treat ourselves what about you guys?" Ace said, luffy and sabo nodded.

"I'm spending my holidays shopping since it'll all be on sale!!" nami exclaimed happily

"I'm going to spend my christmas with Doctorine!!" Chopper also exclaimed happily.

"And what are you guys going to do for christmas?" I asked chopper.

"We're going to bake cookies and watch the fireworks" you could clearly see that chopper was in pure happiness.

"Me and kaya would go out and eat then watch the fireworks, and since it's christmas I have a surprise for you." Ussop said and turned to kaya and smiled.

Kaya blushed, they're so made for each other 🤧

"I'm gonna be spending my christmas with the old geezer, we'll be close for the holidays, so we're going to eat and enjoy the firework show" sanji said.

"Tsk, that's to classic" zoro murmured which sanji heard somehow. "HHHAAAA???!!!! talk about yourself, what will YOU do this christmas Eve" sanji said

In front of zoro, their foreheads we're touching and they were about to cause a rucus again so nami punched them in the head.

"CUT IT OUT YOU TWO!!" nami exclaimed. Ms. Robin, Mr. Franky and Mr. Brook chuckled at the scene that's playing in front of them.

"I'll be spending my holiday with my favorite fish, laboon and singing with him to" Mr. Brook said, we heard his iconic laugh.

"I'll just spend my time having tea, relax while reading a book and enjoy the warmth that the blanket is giving me" Ms. Robin smiled.

"I'm going to the shrine with Mr. Iceburg and the others and then go eat out and watch the fireworks."

"I'm spending my christmas in charity, handing out gifts to children." Vivi said, softly smiling.

"Could me and ussop come, Vivi?" Kaya asked Vivi "sure, the more the merrier"Vivi smiled at Kaya and Kaya smiled back.

" what are your plans this coming christmas y/n?" I looked at chopper who asked me what are my plans.

"Oh well, uh stay home I guess? And binge watch Demon slayer" I said, smiling.

"*sigh* y/n you can't always stay home and watch those cartoons of yours" Nami complained

"FIRST OF ALL, they aren't cartoons and second, what else am I suppose to do? My parents are always busy and I barely get to see them."

I said clearly annoyed she called demon slayer a cartoon. It's more than a cartoon!! It's a master piece!! Even AOT!! Tho I'm not gonna lie

I only watched AOT cause of Levi, and turned out I have fallen for Hange AND Levi.

"Well, why don't you go out to the shrine and watch fireworks? Or maybe eat out??" Robin said.

"Going to the shrine and watching the fireworks??? Nope. To much foreign aliens. And eat out? That'd be great but I suck at dressing well, and who wants to walk for 45 mins when you could've spent those minutes watching some great master piece I call ANIME not cartoons."

I complained, trying to convince them. "Yeah yeah, anime, cartoons, whatever. They're both the same thing anyway" nami exclaimed annoyingly.

"THEY ARE NOT THE SAME THING!!!" I screamed and gripped on Nami's collar, not to tight.

Nami looked the other way and made a face sticking her tongue out and giving me a bored expression.

An irk mark appeared on my head, indicating I was annoyed. "I have an idea!!!"

Kaya exclaimed excitedly. We all turned to her with questionable looks.

"Why not we hold a christmas party? Yk, invite some close people, play games, get to know each other more, and eat" kaya suggested.

"That is a good idea, and that way all of us get really close and spend more time with each other." Vivi said smiling.

"Mhm, and at the end we'll exchange gifts with the person we got on a piece of paper we picked" kaya said happily.

"Lots of Meat!!!" "Lots of candies!!!" "Gifts!!!!" Ussop, chopper, and luffy exclaimed at the thought.

"What do you guys say?" Kaya asked. Everyone agreed including me, well not necessarily, got forced by chopper doing the puppy eyes.

"Alright!! It's settled!! We're all going to have a christmas party!!" Luffy exclaimed happily.

"Wait wait wait, who's house are we gonna go to for the Christmas party?" Everyone stopped cheering and thought.

"Why not we hold it at my house?" Kaya said. "I did suggested it" we all nodded.

We knew Kaya was rich, but she wasn't like those brats who were spoiled to the core.

"Then what time should we go?" Ms. Robin asked.

"Well since we have plans in the morning, we should hold it at 12 am, since the fireworks are gonna start at 9 and we are going to start preparing, 12 am should be a good time ryt?" Nami said, looking at all of us.

"Yea, we are gonna finish giving charity to the kids at 5pm, that should give me plenty of time to prepare" Kaya said along with vivi nodding in agreement.

"Ok, then it's settled!! We're having a Christmas party at Maya's house at 12 am" Luffy exclaimed happily.

And there goes my holiday, at least it wasn't like last time, tho I think last time was way better.

Having no problem to deal with, no noise, and no one to bother me. Then again...

I question myself, why tf am I so lonely...........

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕘𝕚𝕣𝕝[𝙫𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙤𝙪𝙨 𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙥𝙞𝙚𝙘𝙚 𝙭 𝙛𝙚𝙢 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon