"I can't wait to come to her party," Evie smiles.

"Laura will be so happy to see you," Heather smiles at her. "She talks so much about her godmother."

"Aw! Bless her. I can't wait to see her again. She grows so fast."

The two women talk for a while until a couple comes in, and the conversation ends.

Evie feels a stab in the heart when she sees Nikki there, holding hands with his new girlfriend, Vanity. She has seen in newspapers and on TV that they have been a couple for a while. It seems that Nikki overcame their break up quite easily as her. At least that's what it looks like.

He doesn't see her. Nikki goes to Tommy and talks to him. Fortunately, Patrick is no longer with Tommy, leaving to talk to some acquaintances. 

Then Tommy motions to Heather, probably to tell Nikki where is his wife. Nikki smiles at Heather but his face falls when he sees Evie, and his face turns pale. Nikki is so shocked to see her there so unexpectedly. She looks even more beautiful now. It's the first time in a year that they see each other face to face. He can't take his eyes off her. She is wearing a long black dress that is so tight on her body sculpted by the gods. The same body he loved to touch a year ago, before he broke up with her.

He can see the shock in her eyes. Her eyes still shine, as if a small desire are in them. Evie seems awkward seeing him there.He feels the urge to go to him and talk.

But they haven't spoken at all for a year. Why they would talk anyway? It's all over between them. He must stay away from her for her own good.

He watches as that guy, Patrick walks over to Evie, takes her hand and asks her something in her ear. Something strange feels in his heart, something unpleasant when he sees Evie answering gently, her eyes shining as she looks at him. The same look she showed him years ago.

He would stare at her more, but feel his hand squeezed. He looks to his right and sees Vanity looking at him nervously and annoyed at the same time.

"Is everything okay?" She asks in a neutral tone.

"Yes," he smiles weakly, and looks once more at Evie and her new boyfriend and leaves with Vanity elsewhere.

Evie breathes a sigh of relief when she sees Nikki leaving with Vanity in another corner of the room.

She could barely control her emotions inside her. She felt so unpleasant staring at each other. But she still looks for him and Vanity. The brunette looks at them holding hands too tightly as if someone wants to separate them. That's how she and Nikki used to hold hands. Does he love Vanity? Does he love her more... more than he loved her? Although she shouldn't think about such questions, she does, because she can't help herself. When she broke up with Nikki she had very powerful feelings for him. And she thought they were gone. So far.

She looks to her left and sees Patrick smiling softly at her. She smiles weakly at him, feeling like she's running out of air in this room. Evie would like to leave that party now. But Patrick would be suspicious. Most likely he is already thinking about something. So she has to stay there and try to resist.

Heather apologizes and goes to her husband who talks to Nikki. Patrick goes and talks to some friends and Evie gets into a conversation with other pop singers her age. Behind them is Vanity talking to another woman. The woman says to her:

"You and Nikki are so cute! It's like you're made for each other."

"I really think we are," Vanity smiles. "I think I'll be Mrs. Sixx soon," she grins. "I can not wait!"

'In your dreams. ' Evie thinks and rolls her eyes. Although she must admit that this is likely to happen. What would stop Nikki from marrying this woman? She? She means nothing to him anymore. Just a former love. The past is past.

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