Just the Two of Us

Start from the beginning

They stayed silent for a while, Maru noticeably bummed by her plan failing, it was hard to try and include Bruno, but sadly he wasn't very social nor very "accepted". Surely Bruno felt guilty, for bumming her out and actually ruining the only actual option of him to dance with a friend.

- Let's dance outside then -


Those few times Bruno took initiative for something always took a lot of courage, even with simple things like dancing or even asking for more food, and all those times it made Maru smile and happier and was worth it, it made them both happier.

But for now, Maru was confused about such great initiative, simply in shock for some seconds.

- Really?-

-Really, Really- He nodded frenetically, flustered but yet proud of his achievement.

♫ Si perdiera el arcoiris su belleza ♫

-Flaco, it's raining outside- Marulanda laughed while signaling outside, the music and colors were so strong it was even hard to tell. But surprisingly the rain wasn't Pepa's fault, who was actually having fun, a natural occurrence one would say.


-It's okay, let's do it- Who cares if they get a cold? Julieta's food is always an option for such cases, and after Bruno took this new initiative, there was no way Maru was letting the chance go away. As people began to sway with the tune, both kids sneaked out of the party, towards the backyard where music still sounded.

♫ Y las flores su perfume y su color♫

-How do... We dance this?- Bruno admitted, making both kids laugh as they began to be soaked in the rain, it was late but yet it was hot, rain made the weather feel fresher.

-Ay Flaquito, ya sabia que no sabias bailar- She fixed his hair so his face was clearer, but the rain only messed it again. -Pone' las manos aca-, she led his left to her hip, him obviously embarrassed but obeying to not get roasted more by Maru.

-O-okay... Y luego?-

-Now I do this, and you do this- Her right hand landed softly in his shoulder, while both intertwined their free hands, a simple pose to begin dancing.

-Oh, okay- He was truly a mess, but still followed instructions keeping some space between them for his own anxiety.

-And...  Follow my lead, don't worry, is similar to a waltz- 

♫No seria tan inmensa mi tristeza♫

-I'm not good at dancing, I'll end up stepping on your foot-

-You won't Flaquito, just trust me, follow me-

-... I trust you-


♫ Como aquella de quedarme sin tu amor ♫

A friendship flourished in such a  way and there was more on the way, it was incredible the closeness they had, and how Bruno began to feel freer around her.

It was funny how again he was so nervous and anxious trying not to mess up the dancing, and the rain helped a little to calm him down.

Maru repeated numbers again and again, in a soft happy voice while leading both into the song, and if he stepped her feet, she simply laughed and continued counting.

♫ Me importas tú, y tú, y tú♫

♫Y solamente tu, y tu, y tu, y tu, y tu ♫

The Seer's Lady ( Bruno Madrigal / Oc )Where stories live. Discover now