Chapter: 2 meeting the devil

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Hungry... Really hungry. Abadon was consumed by the growing need for nourishment, but what could he do? Almost every city had some sort of bounty on his head and rumor had it, Prince andor had sent some sort of assassin after him. He wasn't safe, he knew this. That was why he had hid himself within the woods. Now he was hungry and he needed something to eat.

"Dammit," he cursed under his breath, feeling a nauseating wave of weakness wash over him. It was one of the many symptoms to come if he didn't "eat" soon. He fingered the chords on his bass, his eyes scanning the forest. He couldn't go out though, not until night fell once more. So he would have to stay under the tree and try to scope out something to eat. As he waited he began to strum a dark tune. It was a song that he had once heard his mother hum to him when he was just a child. He did not know the words, but he would never forget each haunting note.

Abadon having interrupted by a young lady laughing (btw this isn't 1 of the sisters) put his bass down and hid behind a tall grey tree the sound of her heart beating made his mouth water. Coming out from behind the tree he followed closely until he was close enough to grab her when he did he was ready to bite in but befor he did he whispers something to her

"I'm sorry," he plunged his fangs into her flesh and buried them until they punctured her neck. Blood spouted and filled his mouth. Each deep swallow satisfied him. Oh, how could he have ever lived without such a luxury?

"Hey idiot get your stink-in fangs outta princess luna" Tanisha said in an intimidating voice while Abadon dropped the almost lifeless body "maria go help the princess ill kill him right here" Abadon nearly doubled backed in laughter he thought a fully armoured hot shot would be the "assassin" but yet it was a young girl wearing only clothes that bearly covered her legs and stomach

"You, kill me" Tanisha said with a skeptical eye

"You are just like all of the other guys around here. All you see is a pretty face but I guarantee that I can fight ten times better than any stupid knight or soldier," as she said this, a wisp of blonde hair escaped her hoodie and fell upon her right eye she did not care though her eyes never left him.

"A pretty face? Who said I thought you were pretty? I was merely surprised to find that the dangerous assassin that I had been told to fear turned out to be such a young girl. A boy perhaps, but a girl? I must say, I am a bit disappointed. I had hoped to actually have a challenge," he snorted. With a roar of anger she brought her sword down upon him. He moved just in time for it to not strike his neck, but instead part of his shoulder. He gasped, shocked by the amount of pain that followed. Okay, perhaps looks were deceiving.

"May i hear the name of my whittle assassin" he snorted "Tanisha the adventurer and my sister maria" "woo go baby teach that devil a listen" maria said in a hyped up voice sitting near the unconscious princess. Tanisha was undoubtedly beautiful, and undoubtedly dangerous. The more he examined her body the more he realized how wrong he was about his first impression of her. Her curves were accented by toned strong muscles. The way she held her sword and gracefully circled him suggested that she was more skilled than he originally thought. So maybe he would get the challenge he wanted.

"And what have I done exactly? I am being killed for simply staying alive?" He raised an inquisitive eyebrow, ignoring the pain in his left shoulder and the blood that had begun to soak through his red sleeve.

"You've been murdering innocent people and terrorising the Crystal Kingdom for much too long,"

"I'm doing what I was made to do. If I don't feed, I die. Why are you not assassinating everyone who eats meat? Something had to die in order to feed you, how am I any different?"

"I was not sent here to chat with you. Get over it; you're going to die," as they were talking Tanisha was attacking him only to be dodged many times while the devil was floating

"Death is a little harsh, don't you think?" Abadon pointed out. Although he knew this girl had no plans on letting him go, he knew that until he was at full strength again, he could not really afford to become seriously injured. Therefore, he needed to stall the eminent fight.

"You know Tanisha, he's gotta point. Shouldn't we take him in to Andor? Let him decide?" Maria, suggested. He looked down at the sister with a small fondness. At least the other human was not trying to rip his throat out. Tanisha glanced at her sister, sighing with agreement and stopped trying to cut down the monster infront of her

"Fine. Wrap him up," she ordered. Maria eyed Abadon wearily.

"Alright, but I aint letting his teeth anywhere near me," she said. Abadon watched with curiosity as the human girl brung out a scroll this was, angel magic, wrapping him multiple times in a holy fabric very hard to break out of. He did not fight it. He knew they could not hold him forever, and when the time was right he would break free. His growing restraints stopped just below his neck. Smart girl she knew were the fabric could not touch if it was to touch his neck it would burn

"Come on," Tanisha relaxed, placing her sword in a purple sheath strapped to her back.

"I'm afraid if you want to bring me back as a prisoner, you will have to wait until tonight," he quickly said as Maria started to drag him forward toward the less thick part of the forest. Rays of sunlight filtered through the trees and warmed the forest floor below. If a single beam of holy light hit his skin he would go unconscious and ever so slowly weekend from the inside, and possibly die.

"Oh, yeah, forgot," she sighed. The two sisters sat down while maria held Abadon in her holy fabric restraint technic

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