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Lizzy Villa is an up and coming diva going into the WWE. She's always dreamt about this moment and she is so ecstatic to finally go up to the main roster! She has worked her ass off every since she was 15 for this opportunity and she finally made it! Although, she did have a troubled past. Lizzy is from Chicago and happily lives the straight edge lifestyle. She is pretty crazy and some have said she's needed help but Lizzy just thinks it's a unique part of her personality. She's been single her entire life and maybe she could finally find some guy as crazy as she is to love her for who she is.
Dean Ambrose is the lunatic fringe. Everyone believes he's crazy. He is a single guy but everyone knows the kind of guy he is. He loves to go out, drink, and meet new ladies. How does he handle himself at work with a new co-worker that drives him insane? He knew Lizzy. They've shared moments together. Good, bad, & ugly.
Lizzy never thought she'd never see him again... but not on Dean's watch.

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