Chapter 4

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I look in my closet for nice clothes. There's water dripping from my hair because I took a shower just before. I was thinking about him. How determined he was on taking me out for diner. It's not a date though. It's for work. Somehow I have to repeat that over and over in my head. 
I look at my dresses. Some time ago a bought a red dress to wear on dates. I take it out and look at it. The inner skirt is short and the outer skirt is sheer and is short in the front and long in the back. It's is a beautiful dress, but maybe a bit inappropriate to wear. It has straps and a V neckline. It would be a bit too booby. Actually, everything I wear would be too booby because I have E cups. 
I put the dress back in the closet and take out a black and green stripe dress. It's a figure-hugging simple dress, with 3/4 arms. Although it will cover my cleavage it is still sexy. I get my combat-looking heels and I look in the mirror. This is more me; business with a hint of, well, toughness. Sounds stupid. I get a straightener and try to curl curtain bangs. With my fingers, I blend them in. I get my make-up, draw on my brows. Because of my blonde hair, they are a bit light. I put on mascara and I'm ready to go. 
It's 5;30, so I still have half an hour. I'm gonna watch some TV. Although my favourite series is on I couldn't get my mind off his soft-looking lips and his big arms and... Shut up; It's not a date.

I get a call
"Hello miss, your driver is here" I look at the clock, it's already 6.
"Oh, yes, I'm coming"
I opened my front door and there he stood, he wore a suit. I looked him up and down. Although the suit was perfectly fitting, you could see his muscular arms and his brought shoulders. My eyes went lower and I was a little shocked. Damn, he must be hiding something, big there.. Wooh girl, still desperate? Remember; he is your boss.
"Good evening, Emma" His voice was deep, my heart jumped when he said that. He opened the car door and I greet and thanked him and got in the car. He walked to the other side and sat beside me.
"To Lorenzo's, José" The driver nodded and drove away.

The drive wasn't that long, but it was still a bit quiet. We did some small talk, but that's it. As I looked outside the car I could feel Liam staring at me. What is he trying to do? I mean, that is not so smooth.
Finally, we get to the restaurant and we were escorted to our table. Liam got my chair, so I could sit and then sat down and ordered the best red wine.
"So, is this the place you always do work diners?" He looked at me, sorta frustrated when I said work. I mean; this is a work diner, right?
"Well, I come here, not only work-related," He said. He looked at me and smirked. Those eyes, I could stare for hours in those eyes and never get bored of them. When the waiter came with the wine, Liam tasted it, nodded and then poured a glass for us both. Liam ordered the specialities, which were a carpaccio and the lasagne bolognese.
Then Liam said; "So, you like music? Do you play yourself?"
"Yeah, I do, a bit. I played the flute since I was seven and in high school, I learned to play the guitar"
"That's quite a difference"
"Yeah, I know. But I liked the guitar better. I could play the music I like better."
"Oh and that is?"
"Rock, country, 80s and 90s classics."
"that's specific, but I like your taste. I do like rock myself, but I listen to all kinds of music"
I don't know what this has to do with work. But I don't care. The rest of the diner went like this. We talked about anything of everything, but not quite work related. I liked him. But again, I noticed something about him. He was in control of everything, what we drank, ate and even the conversation. It's time for dessert.
"What would you like?" Well, that's the first time he asked me that. I look at the menu
"Everything sounds delicious," I said
"Just like you" He must have thought I couldn't hear him. But I did. I quickly tried to put my mind off it and said. "I'll take the chocolate party"
He looked at the menu and nodded. "sounds great"
The waiter asks us what we want, and I look again for the dessert on the menu. And that's when I noticed it's a dessert for sharing. 
Come on you stupid bitch, he must think I like him. As in, like like him. Liam looked at me as I ordered and noticed my inner fight and chuckled.
"It's Okay, I won't tell your colleagues" Well done.. I'm fucked.

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