Chapter 2

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I met with Mr White in the deserted music room everyday at lunch since then, it was now a sort of ritual. I sauntered into the classroom but as i clicked the door open, i found the room empty.

I shuffled over to the ebony grand piano, that sat in the centre of the room, violins, guitars and keyboards were littered spaciously around it, but ever since I'd watched Mr White play, the grand piano grabbed my attention every time without fail.

Soon enough, Mr White vivaciously sprung into the room, his dishevelled coffee hair, tumbled across his face in disorderly cascades of dark brown.

He made his way towards me, walking with a desirable glint in his eyes. I almost smiled as he grinned mischievously at me, taking a seat on the small stool. He brushed his fingers across the piano, and positioned them spread out like eagle wings on different keys.

"Sit" he said, before he started playing, moving up slightly to leave me space. For the couple of days, since i'd started meeting him there, we'd go through the same routine. He'd offer me to sit, and i would refuse by staring at him silently and passively until he began playing.

But this time. I wanted to sit with him. I cautiously perched myself on the edge of the stool, careful not to get in the way of his playing. He smiled my favourite lopsided smile at me and before he began playing.

Although I had heard this song three or four times in the last week, it still pressed at my emotions. It was once again a foreign sound of vibrating different voices talking, screaming, whispering and shouting to me all at the same time. A Flood of new feelings stirred in my heart as i sat on the midnight black stool, warmth, familiarity, and maybe for the first time ever, a strange feeling, a feeling that caused my stomach to lurch each time his arm brushed against mine, a feeling that lingered somewhere between like and love.

"Must be boring for you to sit and watch each time. Wanna have a go?" Mr White asked, his warm smile slowly melting the ice barriers that id been so careful to keep up. I looked into his eyes, trying to tell him that i didn't want to ruin his songs. Would he understand?.

"Dont worry about it, music has no structure, just feel the emotions" Mr White said to me with a smile.

"How about we play together" he said, reaching across me to grab my right hand. His warm fingers skimmed mine, causing me to blush a deep rose as his sweltering skin made contact with mine. He showed me a few simple notes, and told me when to play them, while he played the fundamental melody of the piece.

After a few weeks of this, I'd begun being able to play short pieces alone. I would sit in the unoccupied room practicing, until Mr White came, then we would play together or I would sit next to him and watch in awe. As the weeks went by, I felt more open to Mr White, we would spend time together. Sometimes after school, if i was feeling reluctant to go home, I would sit in his classroom and watch him mark papers, and listening to his incessant chatter.

He'd tell me stories, of his childhood, of his friends he'd ask me questions to which I would sit silently until he gave up and continued his stories.

I walked across the now empty hallway after lunch, to my next lesson. Biology. I sat down in the crowded classroom, mentally smiling, yet keeping my face motionless. I idly twirled a blue pen in my hand, thinking of Mr White. Thoughts of him now consumed my mind pretty much 24/7.

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