The Pack Is Stronger Together

Start from the beginning

Jasmine laugh at her friends. "Stop teasing her Ellie, you know she reverts to Spanish when you make her angry."

Reaching over, Ellie decided to not take her friends request and push Morena off her board and into the cold water, which cause more spanish cursing to come her way as the poor latin girl flail in the sea for a moment, then sank into the water leaving only bubbles rising to the surface.

Panic grip Ellie. "Morena!"

The tall girl now paddle her board over to the spot and was about to jump into the water to save what she thought was her drowning friend, till suddenly her board flip over sending her now flailing into the ocean water. Coming up from playing possum to trick her friend was Morena, who wasn't done as she put a hold on Ellie to tickle her for payback.

Jasmine just shook her head at her friend's antics. The two were always competitive, though they had gained a close friendship with one another overtime at the academy, Ellie being a girl from a well off family whose father knew Johnson Fitzgerald as they both serve in the Gulf War and approve of Ellie's request to join the first-ever Sensha-do team for America, though Ellie's mom had reservations about the hazards of her only daughter being put into such a dangerous sport, however, Ellie convince her she would take care of herself while taking on this challenge that few girls her age would want to take, which left her mom unable to fight her daughter's determined look.

While Morena being from an immigrant family that had scraped a decent life for themselves in the golden state. Morena had been recruited from her high school by Konomi who had been visiting local California schools to find worthy candidates, which Morena instantly signed up for, as something appeal to her about being in command of a tank and the fact it was a girls-only sport, though Morena thought that couldn't last long. Yet she was one of few girls to step forward, as fighting in tanks didn't quite appeal with many other young girls that was also to be the case at other schools Konami visited, leading to a lack of members for Wolverton Academy so far.

Yet these two could care less about where they came from in society as there was one thing in this world that brought them closer, and that was their love for tanks they had gain and the love for Wolverton Academy they now called home.

" made your point," Ellie said between giggles while staying afloat.

"Bueno, Eres demasiado juguetona a veces," Morena said hotly.

"Lo que," Ellie said back, as she climb back onto her board, her spanish was decent, thanks to learning from Morena.

Once she was settled on her surfboard, Ellie then reach down to help her pouting friend, but pull her up to her own board and wrap her arms around Morena to hold her tightly.

"Hey! I got my own board!" Morena argue as Ellie held on to her from behind.

"Yea, but I'm cold here, so keep me warm while we wait for her to finish," Ellie said, as she watch her friend continue to surf the waves, grateful for her smaller friend's warmth with the waning light of the day.

"Well nothing to do about that now," Jasmine said, then turn to look at Ellie. "How are you coming along with your M36B2? That thing is a real monster to handle, I don't envy you."

"She is running like a beauty model down a runway, precise and powerful," Ellie spoke with confidence, still holding onto Morena.

"That sounds so stupid," Morena said in a bored tone.

"Oh?" Ellie said with a smirk, then place her friend in a playful chokehold. "I'm sorry I didn't hear that. Care to repeat for the class?"

Morena began to tap her friend's arm in surrender. "I give...I give... ¡Lo siento!... ¡Lo siento!"

The Tigers of Chi-Ha-Tan ReRise Volume 3: The Tigresses TrialWhere stories live. Discover now