Start from the beginning

"Maybe he's got some ID on him". Selene suggested.

"Yeah, I bet", Scott went to search the man. "Fella, if you can hear me, I'm just looking for your identification. Once we figure out who you are, I'll give you a lift back to the mall." He told the man before pulling out a card. They all curiously take look at it.

Seeing how it read Santa Claus, Scott flipped it over. "If something should happen to me, put on my suit. The reindeer will know what to do", Willa reads it out loud.

"Yeah right", Scott shrugs it off. Jingle bells were then heard as all three of them looked up.

And Selene was intrigued "I'm gonna check it out." She gets up and runs to the sound.

"No! Silver, get back here!" Scott yelled as he and the others run after her. They head towards the street and look up to see reindeer and a sleigh on the roof.

"Whoa", Charlie says in awe.

"Are you guys having the same dream as I am?" Willa says, feeling nostalgia-like emotion.

She and Selene then look back down at the man, only to see they he has disappeared. "What the what?" Selene mutters.

Charlie noticed next and tapped on his dad's hand. "Dad". He and the girls run to where the man was and Scott follows them.

"He disappeared," Charlie says.

"I swear if he's naked somewhere..." Willa recoils in disgust.

"You gonna put on the suit like the card said?" Charlie asked.

"No, no". Scott told him.

"Dad, come on you got to. We want to go too." Selene tells him as he turned to his kids.

"Stop it, you two. We're not going anywhere."

"You killed the guy, so why not?"

"Because I said so"

"You never do what we wanna do!" Charlie yells.

"Would you guys please be quiet for a minute so I can figure this out?!" Scott angrily asked.

The kids sigh while Willa jumps a bit from their dad's anger. Scott walks around a bit and tries to figure out the situation. Selene meanwhile walks over to the suit and tries on the hat. If her dad wasn't going to put on the suit, she could at least try the hat.

"Hey guys, check this out", she messes around a bit as Willa and Charlie giggle a bit at her antics. She then stops as she bumps her head into something in front of her. Scott then turns around and does the same thing.

They both look up to see a ladder that has seemingly appeared out of nowhere. "Where the hell this come from?" Scott asked as Charlie began to climb.

"Look here, guys", Charlie points to writing on the ladder. "The Rose Suchak Ladder Company".

"Huh?" Selene says confused.

"Out by the roof, there's a Rose Suchak ladder. Just like the poem", Charlie explains to his sister.

"Huh. Just like the poem?... Was I reading it wrong this whole time?!" Willa asks herself in surprise. She knew what Charlie was talking about and now wondered if the story was written wrong.

Charlie continued climbing up the ladder and the girls followed him as Scott yelled at them to come back down. Once they reached the top of the roof, things were even more insane. "Dad, you need to get up here and see this!" Selene yelled walking towards the sleigh.

"None of you touch anything." Their dad told them.

"It's great!" Willa stated as one of the reindeer nudged her a bit.

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