Jennie hugged her knees and cried. She covered her ears so she wouldn't hear them laugh at her.
They started throwing some paper on Jennie as they shoved her on the wall.

"Hey! That's enough. Leave her alone" she heard someone shouted.

She didn't bother to look up because she's already embarrassed.
Someone helped her to stand up and she look up to see the person.


"Come on" he held her arm and pick her bag that's on the floor.

He glared at everyone and they started walking away and do their business. Jennie didn't look up and let the blond drag her away.

She clearly heard Nayeon calling her a slut before they left the hallway. Jennie went to her locker to grab some extra clothes.

She already brought extras since she knows this day would happen. Jackson didn't left her side to make sure the brunette is fine.
Jennie cleaned herself but she can still smell the juice on her hair.

"T-thank you" she said shyly and wiped her tears. She didn't stop crying even when she's on the shower.

The blond just nodded and asked her if it's okay to leave. They have different class on the next subject and he wouldn't be able to accompany her. Jennie just told him she'll be fine and the boy took that as a cue to finally leave.

Jennie look around the hallway to see if it's okay to go out. When she saw the coast is clear, she took a deep breath before walking.

She kept her head low so she wouldn't be able to meet their eyes that would judge her whole being. She gripped on the strap of her bag tightly as she fasten her pace so she could arrive at her next class when she felt someone hold her shoulder.

She stopped walking and then turn around. She saw one for her teacher looking at her.


"M-ma'am. Good afternoon" she bowed her head to greet the teacher.

"Good afternoon. I'm kinda in a hurry right now because there's a meeting. Could you return this book to the library, please?"

Jennie nodded and took the book. She bid goodbye to her teacher and walked towards the library.

It's not that far from her next class so she doesn't have any problems of being late.

Once she arrives at the library, she informed the librarian that she would return the book and the lady instructed her where to put the book back to its place. Jennie obeyed and walked to the shelves to return the book.

She then realized that she'll be returning the book to the top shelf. She sighed and tiptoed to reach it but she can't.

"Come on" she raised her hand that's holding the book and tried to push it back to its place.

Jennie then felt a fingertip brushed with hers. She look up and saw a hand taking the book from her hold and was return back to the top shelf.

Jennie slowly lowered her hand and look at the books in front of her. She sighed deeply and didn't bother to look around because she knows who it was based on the perfume.

She then felt strong arms wrapped around her stomach and hugged her from behind.
She bit her lower lip as she felt tears falling from her eyes.


And that what did it to Jennie to finally burst into tears.
She removed her arms that's around her stomach and she turned around to face the person.

She immediately hugged Lisa's waist tightly and buried her face on the blonde's chest.

Lisa let Jennie cried on her chest as she hugged the brunette. She caressed the back of Jennie's head while kissing her forehead.

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