Teaming up

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"Oh crap it's him!"
"Cletus my stupid stalker!"
Jill started to scream and cry but then suddenly felt herself pulled into an embrace by jack. "There there my dear Jill, I'll handle this." "Wait!" "What?" Said jack puzzled and curious. "Lemme help me you kill him!" She said to jack enthusiastically. "Alrighty then." Said jack and it was a deal they were gonna kill cletus together.

One hour later

Cletus Pulled up to jills apartment he swiftly stepped out of his car, he was a young man in his late 20s to early 30s, he had long greasy dyed red hair, he had a wimpy build almost like a fragile child or a newborn, his eyes were bloodshot, he was wearing a bride of chucky t shirt, torn up jeans, fishnet gloves,black sneakers, and had multiple piercings, he reeked of marijuana and alcohol.currently he was tapping his foot while listening to his mp3 listening to Marilyn Manson. He looked at his Michael Myers Halloween watch. The time read 9:55 pm "where the fuck is Jill?"

"Fuck it I'm just gonna storm her apartment and drag that bitch out by force! Wether she likes it or not!"
He began to Sprint towards her apartment. He frantically banged on the door, shouting for her to come out, he decided to pick the lock with a nail file, he successfully got inside but when he did he noticed the lights were out, but he noticed a glowing light coming from her kitchen. He stepped in and...................................................................,.........,

To be continued.

The bride of eyeless jack Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant