.CH 1.

192 7 11

This chapter will include triggers listed in the prologue and desc of the book.
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It was raining.

It's not all that surprising, considering that it had been cloudy earlier that morning. Tommy even went as far as to consider the rain a good thing, as the slightly-loud pitter patter of water hitting the ground concealed footsteps when done properly.

Tommy had worn his most silent pair of shoes. He put his hair up in a black wig cap, and used the hood of his black hoodie to cover it even more. To top it off, he also wore a black mask and black pants. So yeah, he was trying to go unnoticed here.

First things first, he leapt out of the window of the house he was currently staying in. Tommy was currently just a squatter, residing in abandoned houses or unused rooms of careless people who think nothing of a few footsteps. King promised that he would be offered an apartment room for real cheap when he turned 18, but he didn't know if he would even take it. He quite liked squatting, it made it more difficult to be tracked down by police.

He snuck out to the alleyways along the road, working his way through the intricate puzzle that was the city. He eventually found stacks of milk crates, thrown away carelessly. One of them was splattered in what looked like blood. Another, a different white substance which he was not old enough to name. He carried two of the unstained crates up the fire escape of some random apartment and used the crates to jump the remainder of the way onto the roof.

For a little bit he stood there, forgetting what he was supposed to be doing. He just looked over his city. His home. It was a dump, ridden with disease and poverty and crime. But it was his poverty-disease-crime ridden dump. His home. He couldn't remember the last time he didn't walk outside to the faint smell of weed and liquor in the air, polluting his senses. It was gross to most people, but to him it just gave the city 'flavor'.

Suddenly he cursed at himself, running over the tops of buildings and jumping from roof-to-roof. Luckily most buildings were squished together without too much of a height difference. He had to get to the bank, and fast.


Tommy only had vague descriptions of what the members of SBI were said to look like. He knew one had long pink hair, he also knew that another had brown hair and was 'very tall'. Vague ass description, with no help from Dream. The other one was said to be blond, and have 'mechanical wings that span a 36 inch radius.' Tommy couldn't tell if that was a metaphor or not.

He hopped onto the bank rooftop, sneaking a quick peak through a window only to see no one in there. Then he hid behind an arc and just waited.

And waited.

And waited.

...And waited...

Holy Prime what is taking these dickheads so long?
Granted it had only been about three minutes since he'd shown up. And it was 9:30pm, whereas most robberies go on at about midnight...

He's gonna be here for a while.


That's what he thought, at least. But only 30 minutes later he found himself staring at a tuft of pink hair from a birds-eye view. His eyes widened as he quickly tensed up, concealing himself better. Looking more closely, he saw the rumored tall brunette standing next to him. Yet he failed to find a blond with mechanical wings, or even just a blond at all.

The familiar feeling of suppressed adrenaline rushed through his veins. The two men stood there, talking, though he couldn't make out the words. Until the pink haired one ran around to the side of the building and towards a window.

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