Chapter 14: An Unwanted Kingdom

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At midnight on Christian's birthday, I called him. He didn't pick up.

Christian never celebrated his birthday for as long as I could remember. No one saw him on May 5—ever. He'd sit at home doing God knows what all day long and then he'd show up the next day acting like nothing ever happened.

But I knew. Because there were ghosts in his eyes and ice in his smile. Because that day haunted him every single year that I knew him. Because he acted like every birthday he celebrated was a curse, something stolen that was never meant to be his.

I hadn't talked to him in years for his birthday. Maybe he'd gotten better. But that wasn't what I picked up on when I'd visited his office. He still hated the day. He always did.

Trying hard not to worry too much about my friend, I slipped under my comforters and shot him a quick text.

Robyn: Buon compleanno, cuore mio! The world got a little brighter 35 years ago today. Call me back, please? xx

I set my phone down and forced myself to turn the other direction, trying to pass out for the night. After spending most of it tossing and turning, when I woke up the next morning, the first thing I did was check my phone. Still no response.

Glancing at the clock, I called him again. Nothing.

Panic washed over me. I wondered if it had anything to do with that man who had visited him in his office. There was tension between them, but I didn't know what it was.

Jacob Hawthorne and Christian Ryder were not friends. What did Hawthorne have over Christian?

Protectiveness coated every molecule of my body. I didn't like seeing Christian uncomfortable. And I didn't like the idea that he was in danger, or at risk. I wanted to shield him from the world. All he did our whole lives—Bella, Ariadne, Damon, Francis, and me—was protect us in ways we never realized. He'd step in front of a moving train for any of us. But, who took care of him?

Dragging my body out of bed, I wrapped up his favorite cobbler and tossed it into my car, starting it up and hitting the road before I had a chance to regret it. I made my way downtown to One 57, the beautiful apartment building on Billionaire's Row that Christian lived in.

On the way, I called Ariadne.

"Hello, gorgeous," her smooth voice came through the line.

"Hey mama," I smiled. "How's my nephew in there?"

She chuckled. "He's good. Kicking up a storm."

I gasped. "I can't wait to feel it. But, how are you doing today?"

There was a pause on the line. "I'm... I'm okay. It doesn't get easier, but I'm alright. I have Damon. He makes everything better."

Warmth filled my heart. My brother wouldn't let her be alone today. He's hold her and kiss her and be there for her the things she needed to hear because that's what people did when they were in love. They were there for each other.

"Good, I'm glad. You know I'm always here for you, no matter what. No matter when," I vowed.

"I know," she said, even though I could hear the sad smile in her voice. "Honestly, I'm worried about Christian."

The pit in my stomach descended further. "I know. Me too."

"He isn't picking up my calls. Or Damon's."

"He's always like this today."

"Yeah. But it doesn't make it easier."

"Why does he insist on going through this alone?" I asked, as if I didn't know the answer.

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