Everyone Loves Colombian Weddings

Start from the beginning

4. Because my sister-in-law's dad is THE priest, we can steal some communion wafers and give them to Cinnamon ;)

5. It makes sure that you sit beside me and don't have to interact with your family a lot during the ceremony.

6. Food, just, food ;)

A very infallible and tempting plan that Bruno fell for thanks to some points that mostly had to do with the recently named rat and also avoiding family, Maru was truly a genius.

But because he said yes, Maru had to make sure that curly boy could avoid his family as much as he could for today, but even so several times at home he got warned to not say anything about the prophesies he tends to have at his sleep, it was a heavy burden that the family or no one could understand, but he was able to vent freely with Maru to avoid incidents.

And as such, today Maru was completely responsible for making her socially awkward and feared friend have a good time at a good old-fashioned Colombian wedding, and there was Cinnamon too, she had some food and a place to keep the rat during the ceremony, her bag.

As she ran around looking for the reception place, she eventually found a familiar shade of green and curls, immediately laughing and hugging him from behind, achieving her mission to scare him and also Cinnamon, the latter one squeaking loudly but no one paid attention to such. Their friendship was more noticed around, mostly by Alma and the rest of the Salazar's who quickly got used to so many visits they made each other. Pepa began to be more okay with her brother and friend getting along, in fact, sometimes she joined when she had time.

- Ome' flaquito, pense que no vendrias y te me ibas a poner bien cobarde!- She laughed again while leaving the hug, walking towards him properly, then noticing the change of clothes, a green guayabera with embroidery, some dark pants and shoes, something normal and nice for attending a wedding; his hair had a mid bun for his messy long hair, it was weird to see his full face properly.

-The walk from the house to the church is very long, sorry- He laughed softly, he truly wanted to have his poncho back for today, but it wasn't proper for a wedding as his mother said.

-Tu tranqui' flaco, ademas que tremenda facha te traes- She catcalled mockingly, but she was honest at the moment of complimenting him, the catcalling only made him flustered while tried to hide in his hair, as much as Marulanda's presence at such public place was very nice, the dumb things she did were ten times worse.

-Please stop...-

-Ay, se me agüito el niño pues- another joke, but after that, she stopped messing with him as he asked.

- Marulanda, mi niña, Buenas- Alma greeted while giving a kiss on the girl's cheek, also smiling at her son; Julieta and Pepa were with Felix and... The physicians' kid? What was his name? He's an absolute mess of a dude, wait, his name is Agustin! Now that one looked at those, they made an interestingly good pair both Pepa and Felix and Julieta and Agustin.

-Doña Alma, que bueno verla unirse a la celebración- Maru hugged the magical matriarch, with a brief gesture signaling to go and enjoy the food while the wedding started. -Enjoy the food and take your seat later with your daughters for la misa-

-We'll do darling- a small caressing in both kids cheeks before she left towards the food table, stopping in her tracks and looking towards Bruno. - Brunito, juicioso pues, mijo- The last warning then left, after all, Alma wouldn't let Bruno sit anywhere alone, so Marulanda had to tell her they were friends and that woman couldn't say no to that girl, and now their interactions before made sense for her. A small price for making Bruno more comfortable outside, and also trying to make him enjoy the party.

The Seer's Lady ( Bruno Madrigal / Oc )Where stories live. Discover now