Helena sighed.

She wished the last part of the article were true. These days she barely had any time with Cedric, if you don't count the classes they shared. The Hufflepuff was always surrounded by his friends or busy meeting up with Professor Sprout to practice for whatever he would face in the first task. Helena had asked the boy if they could at least spend some time at the library to do schoolwork, like they used to and had agreed to do so on Monday after classes were done.

She missed spending time with him.

She missed how the boy would look at her when it was just the two of them, talking.

She missed the warm feeling she would always get when he saw her.

She missed Cedric Diggory.

"Psst! Psssssst!"

Helena was startled from her sorrow thoughts when a calling voice coming from the entrance of the library was eager to grab her attention.

It was Ron trying to get her to walk to him, making exaggerated hand motions.

It took her a few seconds to understand why Ron was calling her when he could have easily entered the library without a problem. But then she remembered that Harry was also in the library, and they were both still not talking, even though Hermione was trying to convince Harry to make amends and get past this feud they had.

Helena grabbed her things and headed towards the redhead and was greeted by two people, giving her a hug while she stood in the middle.

"I camft... breathe!" she said in a muffled voice. The twins let go of her, George patting her shoulder while Fred ruffled her hair. "What's going on?"

"We tagged along with Ronniekins, here!" Fred said while he pinched their younger brother's cheek, leaving it red.

"We think we're on to something, tournament related," whispered George, making sure no one could hear.

"Oooh, excellent! Okay, well what is it?" the girl asked curious, a big grin on her face expecting the new information they had.

"Walk with us, Rosemund," said George, standing straight and putting out his hand for the girl to take. As Helena was to do so, Fred took the girl's hand instead, swatting his brother's hand away. "My hands are warmer, George. You'll freeze her to death!" the redhead had excused.

Indeed, Fred's hands were warm. Helena remembered the fact from previous times when they had held hands. The heat coming from their hands made her conscious about how nervous she suddenly got and let go of the boy's hand, deciding to just walk along with him as they all headed outside.

"Are we visiting Hagrid?" the girl inquired, hands in the pockets of the black teddy jacket she was sporting.

The three Weasleys looked at each other, eager to spill out the secret.

"Yes... and no," said Ron as they walked past the small hut. "Better be careful from here, it's a bit slippery."

They were headed straight to the Forbidden Forest and Helena had flashbacks from last year when the twins and herself found themselves running from Professor Lupin who was a werewolf during that time. They knew Sirius was in danger and then the rest of her friends were too. It was dark and cold, and her blood was pumping with adrenaline that night. She came to a complete halt once they were in.

Why was she scared to continue?

They had come out of it alive, and no one got harmed, only a few scratches here and there, but nothing serious.

To Hell ~ Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now