Chapter 9

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The Heart Wants What It Wants- Selena Gomez


After days of crying Witney decided to face the facts. She had to get over Mark and just get back together with Peter. So she called Peter and they got back together.

{skipping ahead a month}

It was 11 and she had finally fell asleep. The door slowly opened and Mac walked in. Witney's eyes fluttered open and she sat up. " Mac? What are you doing up so late? " She said rubbing her eyes.
" I couldn't sleep. I can't stop thinking about tomorrow. " Mac said closing the door.
" Huh come here. " she said motioning her to come sit on the bed. Mac walked over to the bed and sat next to Witney. "I'm worried too. I haven't seen his mother sense the first day I met her and she asked me if I was pregnant. " she said slightly laughing.
" What's wrong with that? " Mac said confused.
" We had only been dating for 2 weeks. " she said with a serious face.
" Oh! Nevermind. " Mac said feeling stupid. " I really don't want to go tomorrow. " Mac said throwing her head onto the pillow.
" I know I don't want to either but we have to. " Witney said laying back too.
" What are we gonna do? I mean if Peter arranged this dinner to propose to you. " Mac said turning to face Witney.
" I don't know but I don't think he will. " she said facing Mac.
" But if he does, am I allowed to say any date I want? " Mac said smiling.
" Yes I give you permission. " she said. " Well we better sleep cause we're gonna need it. " she said pulling the blanket over her.
" Fine but can I sleep in here? Cause I'm to lazy to move now. " Mac said nervously smiling at her.
" Sure. Good night. " she said.
" Good night Wit. " Mac said and the girls both fell asleep.

The next afternoon the girls were getting ready for the dinner that they we're forced to go to.
" I'm not going! " Mac said sitting in the kitchen.
" Yes you are! You are not making me go to this dinner alone. " Witney said putting stuff into her purse.
" Fine whatever let's just get this over with. " Mac said standing up and walking towards the door.
" Alright let's go. " Witney said and the girls left and drove to the restaurant.

The girls showed up on time but everyone was still there before them. They walked in hugged everyone and sat down. Witney put on a fake smile while Mac she only smiled when she was talking to Witney. The girls were talking about the new season and how they were excited to see everyone again.
" I know and Lindsey is gonna be the only married one this season. " Witney said with a big smile.
" Oh did you hear Emma and Keo ... " Mac started to say.
" Excuse me everybody. I'd like to make an announcement. " Peter said interrupting Mac. She gave him a mean look then sat back and listened. " I'm glad all of you could join us. Now I have a question I would like to ask Witney. " he said looking down at her. Witney sat there confused, while Mac sat there with her arms crossed and just chucked at how stupid he sounded.
" Witney, I've known you for almost 2 years now and they've been amazing. I know I've made some mistakes and I'm glad you were able to forgive me. So I'm asking you ... " he said getting down on one knee. " will you marry me? " He asked her. He showed her the ring and it was huge.

She sat there in shock covering her mouth with her hand and trying not to cry. Mac wasn't only shocked, she was furious. She almost fell out of her chair when Peter asked Witney.

" Um ... " Witney said looking around the table. Her parents faces said say yes but Mac's face said say no, you don't love him, you know that. Witney said the only thing she could say. " Yes. Yes I'll marry you. " she said hugging him.
" Oh my god! " Mac said banging her head on the table.
" Wow " Witney said while Peter put the ring on her finger. " I'll be right back. " she said getting up, grabbing Mac by the hand and pulling her over to the bathroom.

" I can not believe you said yes! " Mac said when the girls got in the bathroom.
" I had to. I had no other choice. " Witney said.
" No you had another choice and he's probably sitting at home by his self thinking what he did wrong. " Mac said frowning.
" I know but my parents gave me no choice. " Witney said getting watery eyes.
" Ok what ever. Let's go back to everyone so they don't think we snuck away or something. " Mac said leaving the bathroom.

" Ok we're back. " Witney said sitting down again.
" Good we were just think of so dates for the wedding. How does December sound? " His mom asked.
" That sounds great! " Witney said interlocking arms with Peter.
" Why don't you just get married next month. It will show how much you love each other. " Mac said sarcastically and with a fake smile.
" That is a wonderful idea Mackenzie! " His mom said.
" It's Mac. " Mac said correcting her.
" Whatever! " His mom said shooting her comment out of the way. Mac was completely offended and she sat straight up and looked at Witney with anger in her eyes. " Why do you two think about that? The faster you get married the less you have to wait. " his mom said smiling.
" I think that's a great idea! How about the fifteenth because that would be a month after we go engaged? " Witney said smiling at Peter asking for his approval.
" That sounds great! " He said smiling back at her. for the rest of the dinner their families started planning their wedding.

" Ok that was the longest dinner I have ever been too! " Mac said throwing herself on the couch.
" I know and my night isn't even over yet. " Witney said sitting next to her. After dinner she texted the cast to tell them and they wanted to go out and celebrate. " Alright well I'm gonna go change. Lindsey and Emma will be here to pick me up soon. " she said getting up and going to her room.
" Ok " Mac said laying down.

Mac heard the bedroom door close and she was finally alone to think. She had to tell Mark that Witney was getting married. But she couldn't cause her mom deleted his number from her phone, so she couldn't talk to him. She couldn't call any of the cast, cause they'd tell Witney. She was deep in thought when a beep went off. Her head shot up looking where the beep came from. She looked on the coffee table to see Witney's phone. Emma had texted her saying they were there. She opened the phone and went to the contacts. She knew Witney had his number but she hadn't used it sense they broke up. That was her ticket to talk to him. So she wrote down the number and finished right as Witney came back into the living room and threw Witney's phone in her purse. Then she got a text from Emma.

E: Can u tell Wit that we r here?
M😋: yah sure

" Linds and Em are downstairs waiting for you. " Mac said throwing Witney her purse.
" Thanks! See you later! " Witney said blowing Mac a kiss and leaving.
" Bye! " Mac said blowing her one back.

She waited a little then ran towards the window. She watched Witney get into Lindsey's car and they drove away. She ran back to the couch and dialed Mark's number. It rang twice and he answered.
" Hello? " He said sounding like he was just woken up.
" Mark, it's Mac. I need to talk to you. " she said quickly.
" Oh hey what's wrong? Are you ok?!?! " He said quickly. He was starting to get into dad mode and that was one of the things she loved most about him. He would try and protect her no matter what.
" I'm fine you don't have to worry. But Witney's not. " she said going from happy to worried.
" What's wrong with Witney? Is she hurt? " He said getting really worried.
" Not physically but emotionally. " she said looking down at her lap.
" What do you ... " He started saying confused.
" Peter proposed Mark! " she said almost yelling.
" What? "He said almost in a whisper.
" Their getting married on the 15th of February. " she said quieter.
" That's only a month away! Witney would never rush getting married like that. " he said confused.
" She didn't I did she just picked the day. " she said with a nervous laugh.
" Well that just shows how much she loves him. " he said getting sad now.
" No she doesn't Mark! She loves you, You idiot! " She said starting to tear up. " Mark you have one month! One month to get her back or you will lose her forever! Think of a plan! " She said hanging up the phone and wiping a tear off her cheek. " This better work! " She said to herself, hoping for this next month to go by fast and he would find a way to get her back.

There is hope right?


Sorry it took so long to update but I really wanted it to sound good.

All I ask is that you guys send me some story ideas please that would be very helpful. I have one idea already but I need more please.

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