Chapter 7

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Get My Name - Mark Ballas


It didn't take to long before Witney didn't make Mark work for her anymore. I took a month of the little things before she caved. The day she caved was pretty interesting.


" So when are you going to say yes to him? " Mac said leaning on the counter.
" Soon probably. " Witney said with a small smile.

Its been about a month sense Witney told Mark that he had to work to get her and she was enjoying every minute of it. He would send her flowers and little gifts, not saying it was him but she always knew it was him. Even around their friends he would show little signs of affection towards her. And it was a score that Mac liked him so she had one less person to worry about.

" Ok please hurry cause I would like to see you guys together. Plus the show starts again in 2 weeks and I really want you guys to kiss on national television. " Mac said laughing. " Who are you texting? " Mac said trying to get Witney's attention. She had been looking down at her phone for the past 10 minutes and had a big smile on her face.
" You'll see because they will be here in ... " Witney said putting her phone down.

Knock knock

" Nevermind. Their here. " Witney said running over to the door. Witney opened the door to reveal Mark.
" Hey so what did you want to talk about? " Mark said when Witney opened the door. " Oh hey Mac! " He said when he looked past Witney.
" Hi Mark! " Mac said waving.
" So what did you want ... " He said before Witney kissed him.
" Ok that's my que to leave. I will be in my room with my headphones on if you need me. " Mac said backing up, running to her room and shutting the door.
" So what was that for? " Mark said pulling away after a good minute.
" Well that was my way of saying you don't have to work for me anymore. " Witney said with a really big smile.
And that's all that had to be said before the events that happened that started all this, happened again.


That was only 2 weeks ago and the only people that know they are together are them and Mac. The premiere was tonight so they were gonna tell everybody then. Dress rehearsal was a success and nobody noticed when they snuck away for a little. It helped that Mac was there so she distracted everybody.

The show started in 10 minutes and Mark and Witney were missing again. Mac was told to go look for them and she had a good idea of where they were.
" Hey are you guys in here? " Mac said walking into Witney's trailer. She expected to see them making out but they weren't. They were laying on the couch, alseep. It was so cute she took a picture, then woke them up. " Hey lovebirds! Get up the show starts in 5 minutes! " She said shaking them.
" Ok we're coming, we're coming! " Mark said getting up.

They got back to the studio just in time. Witney was able to get Mac a seat next to the stairs up to the skybox. She was also able to get her a pass so she could go into the redroom and be in the skybox.

The show started and everything was going great. Right as Mark and his partner finished their dance Mac went over to the redroom. She waited with Witney while they got their scores.
" So you nerves? " Mac said elbowing Witney.
" Not really. " Witney said looking over at the tv showing Mark with a big smile on his face.
" Good cause I took a really cute picture earlier and I really want to show people it. " Mac said with a big smile.

Then Mark came running past everybody right up to the girls and hugged them.
" That was amazing babe! " Witney said that last word very quietly.
" Thanks! Now you better hurry your up after Val. " Mark said pointing to the other side of the redroom.
" Alright I'll see you in little. " Witney said hugging Mac, kissing Mark on the cheek and running over to her partner.
" So you ready to tell everybody? " Mac asked Mark.
" Yep now let's go. " Mark said grabbing her hand and pulling her up to the skybox.

When they got up there they stood by the railing and watched their friend dance. When it was Witney's turn to dance she looked up at Mark and winked at him. He just stood there and smirked at her.

As the dance finished everyone clapped and cheered. When Witney and her partner got up to the skybox she gave Mac a hug and winked at Mark. After they got their scores, Witney was so happy that she grabbed Mark by the arm and pulled him in for a kiss. Everybody in the studio got excited and screamed.

" Well that's one way to tell us their dating! " Erin said pointing at Mark and Witney still kissing. When they finally pulled away Erin asked them " how long has this been going on? "
" 2 weeks I think. " Witney said looking at Erin then back at Mark and smiling.
" Well thanks for telling us now. " Erin said.

When the show went to commercial Mac ran up and hugged them. Then all of their friends ran over and hugged them too. When everyone finally released them they got showered with questions. They ignored their friends and just got lost in each others eyes. They spent the rest of the show ignoring any of their friends questions and just enjoyed spending their time with each other and being able to show affection in front of their friends.

They were happy together and nothing could pull them apart.


I'm really sorry it took me so long to update the past 2 chapters. Also like I said a lot of my story's are my dreams so that is why I'm in it.

But hope you like the story so far. Plus I'm on spring break this week so I will hopefully be updating more!

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