Chapter 4

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Paige's pov (next day)

I wake up with the worlds biggest headache and I feel like shit then I feel something on me. I look up to see a cat, but I don't have a cat, I quickly sit up freaking out I have no clue who's room I'm in I look down and I'm still in the same outfit as yesterday so at least that's good. I hear someone enter the room

V- here's some advil

P- how did I get here ?

V- you don't remember?

P- no I remember going to a party for you and I saw my ex at the party so I started drinking and I don't remember the rest.

V- oh well you were super drunk and bumped into me again so I thought it was probably best that you lay down so I brought you to my room

P- oh well thank you that was really nice of you. Also what time is it ?

V- uhh like 1:30

P- shit Mia's gonna kill me I was supposed to go to the mall with her

V- oh don't worry abt it she's knows your here, she told me she was glad that I brought you inside before you did something you would regret

P- hey do you have any clothes I can borrow ?

V- oh yeah for sure

He handed me a shirt that was like a dress on me and a pair of sweat pants I had to roll up a couple times so it would fit. I walked downstairs and saw Mia eating lunch

M- so how was your night with vinnie?

P- tbh I barely remember anything from yesterday besides seeing Jayden

M- oh shit jaden was here, I told the boys to not bring him but I'm sorry

(Lil background)

When I was about 16 I met this guy named Jayden and we really hit it off but I started to turn toxic abt a year or two later. Turns out he cheated on me with one of my close friends and god knows who else. Ever since him I haven't dared to get into another relationship I truly loved him and I thought he loved me too but ig I was wrong. Mia was there for everything during this and that's why we have such a close friendship.

P- it's whatever but I got blackout drunk after that and ig vinnie bring me to my room trying to nice

M- see isn't he really nice. You two would look really cute together

P- omg Mia for one I just met him and for two just bc he did one nice this doesn't mean he's a good person.

V- hey I kinda take offense to that.( he said putting his hand where his heart would be)

Mi- oops sorry vinnie but you just never know I thought my ex was nice but look where that ended up.

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