Ch. 89

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Talking to Minho had definitely been therapeutic, he worried though. What had the elder meant when he said he would do something? Did he have a specific action in mind?

Maybe he was going to do something to Jeong-Hoon, or confess to the police, or maybe even leave the school entirely. He was just anxious that the elder might do something stupid to hurt himself.

Despite being nervous though, Jisung was also rather comforted. He kept thinking back to when they had told eachother they had feelings for one another. It had felt so.. real, like there was emotional value.

Jisung had been thinking about this for way too long, in fact, he had been thinking for way to long. The entire time he was in the hospital he had been on bedrest and only gotten up to use the bathroom a couple times a day, and it was getting annoying.

He often only had his phone, coloring books and novels to keep him busy. And yes, he did use crayons when he was coloring.

The only thing that Jisung enjoyed about the hospital was the Capri-Suns he got twice a day. They made him feel just a little bit better, but right now was not the time of day he was allowed to drink juice.

He was only allowed to eat and drink at certain times during the day because he was so fragile and weak. He hated being treated like an antique by his father and anyone else who visited.

Even the nurses acted like he might fall apart if they spoke too loudly, perhaps they did that to every patient though.

On multiple occasions Jisung had pleaded with the nurses to let him go on a walk to pass the time, but they never let him because he was supposed to be resting. Screw them though, it's not like they have a medical degree.

So after a solid 3 minutes of contemplation, Jisung got out of bed, threw on a bathrobe over his frog pajamas and made his way for the door.

There was a dull ache in his abdomin and leg, and it took him a moment to be walking again, but he got over it quickly. The pain was nothing too bad, considering he'd definitely felt worse, and besides, he was pumped full of pain medication.

He wobbled through the halls making sure to avoid any nurses or other staff that might get mad at him for leaving his room, though he didn't make it very far. After only reaching the end of the first hallway a voice called out to him softly.

It wasn't a nurse though, it was Chan. The elder approached him quickly, giving a delighted smile, "Jisung, I was about to go to your room, why aren't you in bed? I'm no genius but you're definitely supposed to be on bedrest right now."

Jisung pouted for a moment, "But it's so boringg, and my crayons keep breaking when I use them." He whined, "Just let me go for a walk? Just this once?"

"Jisung," Chan warned, "You know if you want to get better quickly you need to be resting."

"But, but one walk can't hurt? Just in a small loop around the floor? I promise I'll go right back to bed. I'm miserable in there.." he frowned, pleading with the elder.

"Don't give me puppy dog eyes.." Chris said, chewing on the inside of his cheek, "You know I can't decline.."

Jisung simply tried harder to persuade the older boy, "Pleassse Channie hyung? Just this once..."

"Okay, okay fine. But if anyone catches us, I was just on my way to bring you back to your room." He smiled comfortingly.

Jisung giggled and clapped his hands, or tried to, considering the cast in his left arm, "Thank you hyung, I really need this."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Let's just go okay? I don't want to get in trouble." Chan laughed, admiring the pure joy on the younger boys face, "How have you been fairing recently?" He asked.

Jisung shrugged, "I'm not in very much pain anymore. The nurse says it's only because of the pain meds, but I think I'm actually getting better. It's been a whole week now."

"Not a whole week." Chan said, "But I'm glad you're feeling better." They were now walking down the hallway side by side as they spoke.

"Well Monday through Friday, that only two days short." Jisung bargained.

"Thats missing a whole 30% of the week. That's okay though, who counts the weekend anyway." Chan laughed.

"Exactly." Jisung smiled, "How has Minho been doing by the way? When I talked to him yesterday he seemed upset."

"He visited you?" Chris seemed worried by this, "I told him to give you space I swear, but that kid never listens."

"Ah no, it's okay. I asked for him to come." Jisung trailed off, "He did say though that he wasn't the one who texted me, is that true?" Jisung inquired.

Chan nodded assuringly, "Yeah, Jeong-Hoon stole his phone before hand. Minho seems like a Saint compared to that kid."

Jisung nodded, "Trust me when I say I favor Minho. You still haven't answered though, how is Minho doing?"

Chris thought for a moment, "Not well. It's none of your concern though, he's the one who messed up. Why don't you focus on your personal health, yeah?"

Jisung smiled, he appreciated Chans care, "Yes well, believe it or not, I care for that stupid idiot. I wish I didn't." Jisung shook his head, "Can you tell him something for me?"

"Of course. I promise." Chan spoke warmly.

"Yesterday he said he would do something to fix this mess, and I'm worried. Tell him not to do anything to harm himself." Jisung turned the corner with the elder.

"Sure thing." He answered before they took a long pause in conversation, "Jisung?"

"Mm." He hummed a response.

"Do you really care for Minho more than you despise Jeong-Hoon? It seems like your sacrificing your safety and security just to make sure that Minho is okay."

This question made Jisung think for a moment, "I guess I do. I never really thought of it that way. Though keeping Minho safe means that Jeong-Hoon can run free I still want to do it. Sometimes I really hate how much I care for his stupid ass.. but I can't help it."

Chan smiled, "I hope that one day you two can have a chance to actually have a relationship. Minho would sacrifice just about anything to keep you safe at this point, even if it means losing you."

Jisung blushed, "You think so?"

"I know so. He's probably out there doing something stupid as we speak, all to make you happy." Chris nudged the younger, "Maybe one day he'll be lucky enough to be forgiven?"

Jisung thought for a moment, "I think so. I can't see how I'd be able to live without him whether I forgave him or not." He confessed, "But if I can't end up being there for him, make sure he knows that 'kay?"

Chan nodded, "I'd do just about anything to see the two of you happy. I can't help but wonder if this is meant to be."

"Me too." Jisung sighed, "If only there was a way to tell."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐎𝐟 𝐀 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐥 ♡ MinSung Where stories live. Discover now