Vader's theory

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Noise... Beeping... What was the noise in the background? The beeping? Was it his alarm? What did it mean? Luke didn't know, and he did not care much, as he was comfortable in the bed he was lying in. It's soft mattress being very comfortable, he wondered how his bed had suddenly changed, or maybe he had been given an upgrade? Maybe this was their medbay, and Luke just didn't remember he got there.

The rebel didn't know or really care. At some point, Leia would come and wake him up from his dreamy, half-asleep state, and tell him to get up as there is a war to fight. That they needed Luke's help to win. Luke was quite surprised actually how they had gotten him, he didn't even remember. Maybe the crash had really knocked the lights off of him.

He did remember his sleep was not so very peaceful. He kept waking up in these weird half-asleep moments. The first time it happened he was floating in what he thought was a bacta tank. Luke remembered his last visit in one, and he had panicked a bit as he was disoriented when he woke. But then, in his dream, Vader walked into the room Luke was in, and that's where it ended, he fell asleep again.

It happened again later, while he was being transported somewhere, he woke up, for just a moment, only to fall asleep again when Vader appeared in his dream. His dreams were very strange indeed. He wondered this was because of all the nightmares he'd usually have of the sith, and their encounter on Bespin. It had haunted him to that day.

Something nagged at him though, as he laid in the comfortable bed. What was he not remembering? Leia... Han... What was it? Luke thought hard until... He suddenly remembered. With a loud yell, he sat up straight, groaning in a bit in pain as his head and his chest hurt still a bit. Vader had captured him, now he remembered their encounter, his ship exploding and Luke passing out. He searched for his lightsaber, but Luke, of course, didn't find it anywhere near him.

"Kriff" The young man cursed out loud, feeling a cold presence return around him. Vader was aware Luke was awake. Luke, on the other hand, realized he was in a medbay, but it didn't look especially imperial. The walls had a yellow color and the room looked very pleasant, raising Luke his suspicion that this medbay was probably a local one on the planet they had crashed on rather than one on Vader his battle cruiser. That meant Vader hadn't been able to get him there yet. Good.

There was still a chance to escape. Looking around, he also realized he himself had not been tied down or restrained in any way, which surprised him. He would have thought Vader would be more careful around him, or did he think Luke was still weak after their last encounter.

Just as Luke plopped off the bed, the door opened revealing the very familiar Sith Lord, who walked in calmly as if nothing was wrong at all. "I see you are awake, young Skywalker." The sith lord commented to Luke, who glared at him.

"No thanks to you." Luke snapped back, standing his ground, feeling way more energetic and strong since last time they had seen each other. He only now realized how big of an effect the sleep deprivation had had on him. "Where are we?"

"We are where you left us at, my son. It seems your rebel friends have made it quite impossible for a retrieval party to come and retrieve us." Vader explained to him, sounding quite annoyed. Luke could almost feel it roll off of him in waves. Luke clenched his fists at the word us, but tried to show no emotion. They were not an us, and Luke would do anything to keep himself from falling into enemy hands.

"Is that so? I am afraid you have already fallen into enemy hands, my son." Vader suddenly spoke, causing Luke's eyes to widen, he could read his mind?

"Get out of my head." Luke just told him, and watched as Vader crossed his arms. "I apologize for your inability to shield your thoughts, my son. You are showing them to me willingly." The sith almost seemed amused.

Luke wanted to continue arguing until Vader was faster than him, again. "How long has it been since you have slept?" It was more like a command to answer than a simple question. And Vader's emotionless mask, just staring at Luke didn't make it any less uncomfortable, because Luke was sure Vader knew the answer already and was just testing him.

The rebel, at first, didn't want to answer, but as the silence continued, knew Vader would not leave, nor tell him anything if he didn't answer either. Lying wouldn't be an option either. Yoda had explained you could tell through the force if someone was lying or not. So he took a deep breath and looked to the floor as he answered, crossing his arms. "Since Bespin."

Vader thought about the answer and nodded. "I see." Was all he said. He then proceeded to pace around the room, seemingly in thought. After a few minutes of pacing, Luke couldn't stand the silence anymore. "What?" He asked, a bit annoyed, he wanted to get out of there, or for Vader to leave so he could continue his escape. Vader's force presence made him very uncomfortable.

He stopped and looked at Luke, still silent, before coming closer to him, slowly. "It seems to me that your ability to sleep, in an unknown way, has been linked to my physical presence," Vader said slowly, giving Luke time to take it all in and think about it. "That's impossible." The younger Skywalker commented back.

"I thought it would be, however, I tested it. While in your deep sleep state, I decided to take my leave, and see how you would react. The instant my presence left yours, you regained consciousness. This happened several times until I would return and you would continue sleeping peacefully." Vader explained, leaving Luke quite baffled. It wasn't Vader, Luke told himself, it was just him being exhausted. He didn't want it to be Vader who helped him sleep.

"It is obvious to me, you need time to accept this fact, young one. However, as this is the case. I would strongly advice against escaping, as a lack of rest as you have had over several weeks can be quite damaging. It would be in your best interest to stay by my side." Vader added, finally becoming silent.

Luke pondered it all before looking up and glaring at him. "No. That's impossible Vader. I will never join you or the dark side. I am a Jedi." he told him stubbornly, the passion in his chest driving him forward.

Vader didn't seem very moved by the statement. "As you wish, however, it was no request. You are not free to move about my son. This medbay is well guarded and they know to arrest you the moment you leave. So do not get any ideas of grand escapes, as they will fail." there was an undertone there that Luke couldn't identify. Was Vader concerned about him?

"We will see," Luke said back, and Vader just turned around and left, but not before clarifying. "I will be contacting the executor, our transport will arrive soon." The door closed behind him after that.

Luke stood there a moment longer, thinking about what Vader had said, what if he was right? What if he did need Vader to sleep, and he wouldn't sleep again after he ran? Just as he thought that he shook his head, it didn't matter, he knew what Vader would do if he stayed, and he would be dragged before the emperor.

He had to get out somehow, but How?

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