Chapter 5

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Two months later on October 4th Athena didn't expect to be in the sheriffs car with him speeding to the hospital because your in labour. "GAH be careful lee" Athena shouted. "Do you want to give birth in a car?" Lee shouted over his sirens on his car. "Ahhh it's definitely coming" Athena shouted holding onto the sheriff since his front seats are connected. Lee blushed slightly at Athena grabbing his arm but he had no time for that.
"Ooo ooo god god god god this really hurts" Athena cried. "No one said pregnancy was easy sugar just tried to hold the baby in until we get there ok?" Lee said he turned his head slightly and kissed her forward to give her some comfort. They weren't together or anything but it was obvious they both were head over heels for one another. They made it to the hospital and lee ended up carrying her inside since she was moving to slow. "Umm she's in labour" lee said to the woman at the counter she said to bring her to room 178 b he pushed her in the wheelchair. She screamed the whole way until they got to the room. The doctors checked her and said she's only 3cm. "What so I have to go though more pain until I get to 10!?!" Athena shouted. The doctor jumped. "Well some people's contractions hurt more and I guessing you're does but it might go a little faster" the doctor rushed then left. Lee sat in the chair next to her and held her hand. "Mhmmmmnnnnn this hurts really gah bad" she said clutching his hand really tight. "He rubbed her head with his other. "It will be other soon and your gonna have your little boy or girl in your hands" lee said smiling at her. Trevor didn't know what was going on since he's in New York at the moment after he won a bet and got a WHOLE ticket to New York. He didn't want to go because she was almost in labour but Athena said it was fine and that he should go. Another 9 hours later and Athena was still in the hospital only on 5 cm. "god why is this taking so LONG" Athena shouted. Lee jumped awake. "What sorry we'll just think of something else like chocolate and... the weather" lee said not being able to think from lack of sleep. "The weather?" Athena giggles at that. "Well yeah it could be interesting you know" lee laughed himself. Athena then saw a couple go past with there new baby. Athenas heart sank. "What's wrong" lee said noticing she suddenly went quite and her smile disappeared. "It's just that I haven't got a husband or a boyfriend to look after my baby with me and I'm gonna be one of those single mothers who never gets a husband because they don't want to look after someones random kid" Athena says pouting. Lee wanted him to be Athenas husband not anyone else just him. He wanted to help look after that baby and to wake up and see her face right next to him. He wants to be the husband who gets kicked to the sofa when he does something wrong then apologise with a necklace. Lee took Athenas face into his hand. He wanted to kiss her but he doesn't want to do it when she's already got enough on his plate and might not even mean it if she kissed him back because she's already overwhelmed with giving birth. "I'm sure you will find someone soon who is perfect for you ok" lee said taking his hands way from her face. Athena felt happy for lee saying that but sad that he didn't kiss her. Those thoughts were gone when she felt another contraction. She looked down. "Ooo ahhh god this hurts so bad" she shouts. "It's fine just hold me as tight as you can" lee says. He rubs her head.

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