Chapter 3

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The sun shone right in Athenas eyes from a gap in the curtain. That one unlucky gap. She stood up and went downstairs still in her pjs. "Oh hello your up so just saying it's a Sunday and I know your not religious so you can just stay here or you can come with I don't mind but if your staying here you can do whatever you want just make sure you go outside you need to have some fresh air to stay healthy for you and that baby" he says in a rush. He must be late. "K I have to go I'll see you later bye" he gives her a kiss on the cheek and runs out. He's always been really sweet his mama never let him treat a woman badly at all. Athena walked... well waddled around the island to get some breakfast. She got some cereal. After she was done she put on a little summer dress and decided that going on a walk would be the best idea. I mean hardly no body was around because most went to church around here. As she walked out she notices a few people on there way she smiles and waved back at some people that she met yesterday. "Oh hello dear your Trevors cousin aren't you? I didn't get to meet you yesterday I was inside napping all day my old bones need it. Where are you off to?" The older woman asks. Athena understood a little bit of what she was saying well the end  and the napping part.  "Oh just for a walk I'm no religious" Athena says smiling down at the woman. "Sorry I know you can't understand English very well but I'm not religious either why don't we go on a walk together just until church ends so I can go pick up my grand daughter and my daughter from church" the woman says. Athena understood. "Ja of course" Athena puts her arm out and the woman holds onto it. "Now I need to do some shopping let's go" Athena nods and walks with her. A little while later Athena was dropping of  what learned her name was Jackie or (Mrs brown) at church. "Well thank you dear for giving me company" Jackie says. "Of course anytime" Athena waves goodbye and walks off. She notices Trevor walking out so decides to go up to him until she bumps into a man and accidentally knocks a drink out off his hand. "Oh sorry sir" Athena says bending down and picking up the cup. She passes him the cup and notices it's the sheriff from yesterday. "It's ok sugar accidents happen" the sheriff says. "Trevor told me you aren't religious what are you doing at a church" the sheriff says. "Umm I was dropping of someone and was about to go to Trevor" Athena says smiling slightly at the man. "Ah I see you enjoying yourself here?" Sheriff Bodecker asks. "Ja it's nice... cozy is well if that make sense" Athena says looking around. "Athy what are you doing here oh hi sheriff" Trevor says walking over. "I was just dropping someone off and I was gonna come over to you but I accidentally knocked over his drink" Athena laughs at the end of her sentence. The sheriff looks at her weirdly he didn't like that fact he didn't know what she was saying and she was laughing. But it happened all the time mostly about his weight. Why should she be any different. "Oh" Trevor laughs. "That's one impression to make" Trevor adds giggling. That made the sheriff definitely think they were making fun of him in a different language right in front of him. The sheriff walks past in a huff. Trevor and Athena look at each other. "He probs thought I was saying something mean" Athena says. "He probs thought it was about his weight everyone makes fun of him because of it" Trevor says. Athena knotted her eyebrows. "Well that's rude why would someone say that about anybody?" Athena said. She doesn't like people who are rude and mean about someone's appearance she found it disgusting. "Yea well that's how it is round hear" Trevor says. 

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