Chapter 8 Avoiding Problems

Start from the beginning

He purses his lips. “Perhaps. We'll see how things go.”

He turns back to the others essentially dismissing me. I pad back into the house and change in Nathan's bathroom, putting my tank and shorts back on. I brush my teeth and rinse with a bottled water I set aside for that. When I come out, Silas is waiting for me. He's changed too.

“We're going to have a family meeting.”

I blink at him. “Oh, okay. Should I wait here or go home?”

He grins down at me, “You're coming too. You're with us now.”

I give him a shy smile and follow. The reassurance I felt from his words dissipates when I walk into the living room. Everyone's looking at me. Unsure where to go, I hover behind the couch. Luke twists his body and looks at me. “Over here short stuff.” He pats the space between him and Gabe.

I tiptoe over and sit, squeezing my legs together so I don't rub against theirs. Both of them sit back and relax theirs, their thighs resting against mine anyway. I notice the hair below Luke's shorts is blond and Gabe's is dark.

Owen clears his throat as I look up from my ogling.

“The plan is to remain here for two more nights, but it may be advantageous to only stay one. Victor and Kota did a sweep of the surrounding areas last night and the looting is getting closer. For the most part, this neighborhood is abandoned. Families haven't made their way back yet. People looking for food and supplies will take advantage of this area and some will most likely be dangerous.” He looks around the room, “We wouldn't be running away, we'd be avoiding problems. If we leave before people are too desperate, we are less likely to be attacked for the supplies we carry.” He stops, waiting for replies.

“I'm ready to go anytime,” North states.

“Me too,” Silas says.

“Might as well get started,” Luke shrugs.

“Is everyone in agreement?” Owen asks.

I listen to all of them agree, then they turn their eyes on me. “Sang? What do you say?” Owen's face is serious.

“Um, I'm willing to do whatever you say. If you think...that we....should go earlier, I'm okay with that.” I internally roll my eyes. I'm such a moron.

“I want you to understand it will be rigorous and probably dangerous at times.”

I nod my head.

“We will be traveling over eighty miles on foot.”

That seems like a lot. “Okay”

“You'll need to carry your share.”

“Of course.”

He watches me a moment and I don't look away. He turns his attention to the room. “We'll spend today preparing to leave at daybreak. Sean, you're in charge of medical supplies. North and Nathan, weapons. Gabe and Sang, sleeping and night gear. Silas and Luke, food, water and cooking supplies. Kota, route and maps, which we all will be familiar with. Victor and I will make sure the packs are all complete. Everyone pack a change of clothes and extra socks.”

He sighs and looks out the window. “If things don't change, at least we are together and have a safe destination.”

“Where are we going?” I ask.

“It's called an Academy Shelter,” he says. “The organization we work for is called The Academy. It's more than just a shelter though. It's a self-sustaining plantation and surrounding homes off the grid. It's heavily guarded and maintained to survive this kind of situation.”

“Like a prepper place?”

He's gives me a tiny smile. “In a way.”

“It's okay that I go?” Will they get in trouble for bringing me?

“You'll be unexpected but they will allow it. If all goes well, it should only take five days.”

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