Bang Chan- Our forbidden love

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Long story alert ⚠︎︎

Anastasia was a princess in one of the most powerful kingdoms. And in a few days she was gonna be crowned queen. The king has stated that no princess—specially queens to be—should never fall in love with commoners and with no royal lineage. But how can she stop herself in falling in love with one of the main royal guards, Bang Chan. One day she was just getting ready to just go out for a bit. After a few minutes, she heard a knock on a door.

Bang Chan: Princess, may I come in?
Anastasia: Yes, you may.
Bang Chan: Are you ready to go out now?
Anastasia: Yes

After that, chan escorted her out the palace and in to her carriage waiting.

Anastasia: May we go to the royal park near here.
Chan: Yes your majesty.

꧁Anastasia's POV꧂

We went to the place I told them and it seemed that it was a bit farther than I thought. I felt a bit sleepy since I woke up really early and yet I slept late. I felt myself slowly drifting off a bit and when I knew it I was already asleep.

*~10 minutes later~*

I woke up because there was a bumpy road ahead of us and the carriage got a lot more shaky. When I woke up, I saw that my head was laying on chan's shoulder. I immediately sat up straight when I realized that I was staring at him for a while.

Anastasia: Oh, I'm sorry I didn't know that I was already sleeping on your shoulder
Bang Chan: No, it's fine princess, don't worry

Before I knew it, we were already at the park.

Coachman: Would you like to be alone your majesty?
Anastasia: Can ch-Bang Chan come with me?
Coachman: Of course your majesty

I then signal Chan to come with me to the back part of this part so that no one sees us together.

Bang Chan: Princess, why did you need me to come with you here? Are you okay? Is there something wrong?
Anastasia: No no no, theres nothing wrong, do I really need a reason to spend alone time with my lover?

I saw that Chan's cheeks suddenly turned red and he went in front me and engulfed me in a big and tight hug. Of course without thinking twice I immediately hugged him back. After a few minutes of hugging each other, chan let go and looked down at me with loving eyes.

Bang Chan: I love you princess
Anastasia: I love you too chan, but you know that I can't-
Bang Chan: -Fall in love with someone like me.
Anastasia: No love, it's not that I hate you or that you're not enough, it's just that a princess can only marry and fall in love with anyone other than royalty.
Bang Chan: I understand that princess, I just wish that I wasn't just a guard or—

I cut him off by kissing him passionately. He was a bit surprised at first because we don't really have skin ship—as well as kiss—often. But soon after he kissed me back.

Anastasia: Don't say that, I'm grateful that I even met you. Let alone actually getting to know you like this.

After a few minutes of talking with each other and walking around the park, it started to get dark and we decided to head back to the carriage and go home for today.

Anastasia: But chan, before we go, can I tell you something first?
Bang Chan: Sure princess, what is it?
Anastasia: My father had already arrange a marriage between another kingdom to stop the incoming treason. If the marriage doesn't happen, the two kingdoms will fall into war.

Chris was silent for a bit, looking surprised. But soon responded

Bang Chan: So I'm guessing the people who will be soon married is the prince from that right?

He said that with a hint of sadness in his voice and it made me feel bad.

Anastasia: Chan, I'm sorry I-
Bang Chan: No princess, it's not your fault and you don't have to be sorry. I just- wish that I can actually marry you and really call you mine publicly. Without any restrictions.
Anastasia: Love, don't think that I don't want that as well. It's just that theres nothing I can do because I'm the daughter of the king.
Bang Chan: Okay princess, it's getting late, we should get going before your father thinks that you've gone missing. And by the way, when is the wedding?
Anastasia: The wedding? It's the day after tomorrow. And chan, I'm sorry but I don't think I can go here again because-
Bang Chan: -You have to get ready for the wedding, I know I know, but it's fine princess. I'm fine with it, at least we met up here, today. Right?
Anastasia: Yes, at least. Thank you chan, I love you.
Bang Chan: I love you too princess.

After that we headed out to our carriage where the coachman was sitting there, waiting for us. The ride back to the castle was silent, chan didn't want to say anything out loud because he was scared that the coach would here us. But he seemed....troubled at best.

Author's note:
This will be a 2 or 3 part story since it would be waayy too long if I put it all in one chapter. If there are any grammatical errors or words that were spelled wrong, just comment so that I can fix it :) AND
If you guys like the ship DONBELLE and like to read tagalog aus about them then the story: My dream of tomorrow is the right story for you :)
Author: @elgoldieee
But have a good night/day everyone !!

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