"My life includes you, Chaewon. I mean, we have known each other since we were kids. We grow up together and take a ba---"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence." She cut me off.

Me being a great teaser, decided to finish the sentence.

I know that readers are curious too.

"---th together." I finished.

I received a pinched in the side of my abdomen.


"I told you to not finish that sentence." She said after pinching me.

"Why? Are you embarrassed that I saw---ouch!" I received another pinched.

"If you will not stop on that topic, I swear I will beat you up." She pinched me again.

"We will get into a car accident! Geez." I complained while she was still pinching my side.

She just stopped pinching me when my phone screen opened. She looks at it and she looks shocked.

"You were talking to your brother again?!" She asked in disbelief.

I was about to get my phone from her hand but she moved her hand away.


"Yah, stinky radish!" I saw her typing the pin in my phone to unlock it.

"Don't you know the word privacy?!"

"No." She uttered while tapping my phone.

I badly want to stop the car right now but since my brother is looking forward to our first family dinner together after 4 years, I just let her read what she wants to read.

"Oh, so you met him yesterday." She reacted while scrolling on my phone.

"Didn't you read or heard the news?"

"Nah, I'm busy yesterday."

"Stop scrolling on my phone and I'll tell you the story."

"Go ahead, I'm listening." She continues to use my phone.

"Kim Chae---"

"Oh, Mr. Ko message you."

"Chaewon, please."

"Ok, fine." She put down my phone.

I sighed.

"Didn't you ask earlier where we were going?"

"Yeah, I did."

"We will have dinner with them today."


"Mom, Dad, Sungmin oppa and Yujin."



"Did they know that you are coming?!"

"No, it's a surprise. It's me and my brother's plan."

She suddenly hugged me on the side. I almost got out of control of the steering wheel because of her sudden side hug.

"Yah!" I hit her hand.

"Sorry." She let go of me.

"I'm glad that you finally got your courage." I can say in her tone that she is really happy.

"Nah, I'm still scared. What if Dad was still mad?"

"Ey," She put her right hand above my left hand that was on the steering wheel.

✓Hidden Love (IZONE SERIES #1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें