16 - Not a monster

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Wanda's fate popped up among the many topics they discussed. A lot of the officials wanted to have her thrown into a prison as a punishment for helping Ultron. Tony, though he thought it was wrong, failed to make his point known with the heat of the officials breathing down his neck. Natasha, however, was quick to voice her opinions.

She immediately informed the official of his "shit plan" and told them that they would not be putting a young girl behind bars when she could be living a much better life in New York. Somehow, she convinced the officials to let Wanda stay in New York with them as an Avenger, but that it would be hers and the other heroes' responsibilities to make sure she didn't do anything to endanger anyone else.

She immediately agreed, and with that, Wanda was allowed to stay at the Tower as an Avenger. Under Natasha and Steve's care of course.

The meeting was adjourned and Natasha immediately called Steve to tell him the good news as Tony prepared to meet Pepper somewhere else in the world, but not after congratulating Natasha on being able to actually get results in politics.

Wanda was ecstatic to hear that she could stay in America rather than getting shipped off somewhere else, especially since her home had been destroyed. That didn't mean she wasn't nervous though, she was part of a plot that hurt many people, including the Avengers —the people she was now living with. She would have to earn their forgiveness and respect, and she honestly had no idea how. She lost the only ally she ever had in this world before the Avengers.

"Wanda." Steve pulled her from her thoughts.

"Sorry, what?"

"Well since you're staying here, I figured we should get you a permanent room to stay in. There's an empty one across the hall from Nat that you can have."

Right as her name was being said Natasha walked into the kitchen, and approached them, smiling. Returning from her two hour flight.

"Speak of the devil." He smiled at her. Wanda didn't even need to use her telepathic powers at that point to figure out what was happening between the two of them.

"What about me?" She inquired.

Wanda was quiet. She wouldn't admit it, but she was slightly intimidated by Natasha. Natasha was easily the scariest one on the team to her, and she used her powers to show Natasha her darkest moments. The moments she wanted to forget most; the ones that haunted her most. Natasha must've hated her, she thought.

"Oh, I was just telling Wanda about how she'll be staying in the room across from yours." Steve looked at Wanda but she remained quiet, fidgeting with her hands to help calm her nerves.

Natasha shook her head in acknowledgement and walked towards the fridge to grab a bottle of water, giving Wanda a friendly smile while doing so. Steve's phone started buzzing in his pocket, he took it out and began reading the text message across the home screen.

"Shoot." He muttered to himself. The girls both turned to him.

"What's wrong?" Wanda asked, sounding worried, hoping it wasn't more news about her.

Steve shook his head to let her know it was nothing to worry about. "Nothing. I just forgot I was supposed to go on a run with Sam." He looked to Natasha with a slightly guilty look. "You think you can help her get settled?" Natasha had only returned from the conference half an hour ago and he knew she'd probably just want to go rest in her room, but he really did need to meet up with Sam. Unknown to the two of them, he wasn't going on a run; he was following a lead on Bucky. Actually, they both probably already knew; one was a telepath and the other was Natasha –she knew everything.

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