Chapter 8 - Concerts with Friends

Start from the beginning

"So, do you have any idea what you want to do today?" Kyoko asked.

"Um, not really." Makoto shrugged. "You have any thoughts?"

"Not really."

At that moment, they were approached by their classmate Leon Kuwata.

"Makoto! Kyoko! What's up?" Leon said, walking up to them.

"Hey Leon, we're good. How are you?" Makoto replied.

"Doing good man. You guys looking for something to do tonight?" Leon asked.

"Well, we don't have any plans currently." Kyoko said.

"Oh, perfect!" Leon exclaimed. "My band is playing tonight at a battle of the bands competition at a club not too far from the school. You guys should totally come out and support us!"

"Wait, you have a band?" Makoto was puzzled.

"Aren't you supposed to be the Ultimate Baseball Star?" Kyoko asked.

"Ah come on, you know I've been trying to ditch that label since I got here." Leon scratched the back of his head. "I started a band with Ibuki Mioda from the 77th class. She's playing guitar and I'm on bass. We've struggled to find a drummer but I found out the other week Hiro plays the drums. We're set now."

"Oh, well that's cool!" Makoto replied.

"Yeah, so what do you guys say? I've got two tickets that can get you guys in the door!" Leon said as he handed out the tickets.

"Well, if it's to support fellow classmates, you can count us in." Makoto said, accepting the tickets.

"Sweet! You guys are the best!" Leon thanked them. "Doors open at 8, we're slotted to go on at 9:30. See you guys there!"

"See you!" Makoto and Kyoko replied as Leon departed them.

"Well, I guess we've got plans now." Makoto said, turning back to Kyoko.

"Yeah, I've never been to a concert before." Kyoko said.

"Never?" Makoto was shocked.

"No. I unfortunately had no time for them with all the detective work." Kyoko frowned

"Oh, I see. Well, they're a bunch of fun! I think you'll have a great time!" Makoto said, giving her a wide smile.

"I hope so." Kyoko smiled back at Makoto. "What kind of music do you think they'll be playing?"

"Well, I do remember talking to Leon about music one day in class. He seems to be into a lot of punk rock, so I can only guess they'll play that."

"Well, as long as I don't get pushed around too much at the show I should be able to enjoy myself."

"Yeah me too."

The two shared a laugh as they finished their meal. Afterwards, the two returned to Kyoko's room where they worked on their respective studies. Kyoko was working on one of her reports for the police station while Makoto looked ahead at a semester project. Some time had passed and it was time for them to get ready for the concert. Makoto went to his room to find a couple band t-shirts for him and Kyoko to wear. Makoto found himself a Weezer t-shirt while he grabbed a Green Day t-shirt for Kyoko. He walked back over to Kyoko's room and opened the door right when she was pulling up her black skinny jeans.

"Oh!" Kyoko exclaimed, quickly pulling her pants up all the way.

"Oh! Sorry!" Makoto apologized as he became very red in the face.

"It's okay." Kyoko said, now red in the face as well. "I should have warned you I was changing."

"Well, I still could have knocked." Makoto handed the shirt to her. "Anyways, I found a Green Day t-shirt for you. Hopefully it fits."

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