Chapter 5: Captial Building

Start from the beginning

I got up and kind of stumbled, some of the men moved up just in case I had fallen. "I'm fine." I scowlled.

I looked over to see Consular standing in the plane than walking back in. "What are we going to do about this?" I asked looking around than at Locus.

Locus stood there than growled a bit. "I don't know."

"Maybe our Freelancer know it all buddy back there can give us a few tips?" Felix said pointing his thumb at the pelican.

"Shouldn't we take at least the prisoners back to one of our bases? Ooor just take them with us?" I asked having a little bit of an attitude.

"Hm...if we find out where the rebels and the Republic are hiding then we will take them to one of our bases." Locus said walking to the pelican.

"Don't we already know?" I asked looking over at Felix.

"Command says that they changed bases but we still dont know if they moved to a different location, went to the Rebels base, or the Capital. So its up to command at this point." Felix said sounding frustrated.

"Well command isn't going to be happy with this one." I said watching him and the soldiers walk back to the pelican.

"You think? But I don't think we need to be worried about it too much." He said mysteriously.

The Capital Present Day

"Great job guys." Kimball said holding the chip in her hand.

I looked at Carolina, who I could feel how she was really proud. She always does that when she feels accomplishes something. "If it wasn't for Epilison, we wouldn't have found the base." Carolina said looking over at me.

"It wasn't that hard, encrypting this thing on the other hand was hard." I said kidding.

"Well still thank you, now we can know every move that these bastards are planning." Kimball said putting it down.

I flashed green noticing that Delta was asking for me. "Hold on a second." I said going away. "What D? I am very busy."

"Epsilon you know that they will be loo..." he started to say.

Ugh. Here he goes with the negatives again. "Delta delta delta. You are literally killing me with the negativity. I know thats why I got rid of the tracking system." I said proudly saying.

"Um Epsilon?" Theta came from the side of Delta. "We actually have a problem."

I looked over at him. "What problem?" I will admit I felt nervous. Something had to go wrong.

"One of the files, we believe is actually bugged with a tracking system." Delta said turning towards the chip on the table.

Shit. "Why didn't we see that?" I mumbled.

"Technically..." Delta started to say.

"Not now!" I shunned them disappearing back out to the guys.

"What's wrong?" Carolina asked having a little worry but curiosity in her voice.

"One of the files in the chip has a tracking system in it," the room went still. "And if I don't break it now they will know where we are."

"Well do it now before its too late!" Grif yelled. That was my Que I hurriedly went inside microchip and started to search the problem.

I started towards the most important ones and went down to the least important. Of course the file that was the least important was named under "Ha ha caught ya." What? Why would they...oh shit.

I tried to get out to the guys but for some reason I couldn't get out. "D? What the hell is going on?"

"It looks like this microchip is a bug." He stated.

Those son of a bitches. I can't get out without at least Simmons or Doctor Grey. Thats when I heard voices outside of here.

I couldn't tell who was talking, could be the guys but one voice was different. Felix.

The Capital Present Day

After our lovely Command found out where these bastards were hiding. Which of course was at the Capital. We headed straight there and of course dropping the pathetic losers off.

Phoenix was at the door of the pelican anxiously to get off. Locus on the other hand was blabbing his mouth to me saying no goofing off stick to the plan.

He is such a party pooper, has no fun playing around with our targets. That's one of the pet peeves I have with him.

"Phoenix back up they will want to check who is on board. They will be in hard security." Locus said.

"Well luckily we gave a pilot that looks like theirs plus I can just do this." Thats when her armour turned into a Rebel armour.

God I love when she gives sas to Locus. It makes me want to... "Fine just don't ruin..." Locus said ruining my thought train.

"I know I know don't ruin the mission. Understand." I could hear the annoyance in her voice.

"This is Capital Command why is your reasoning to land?" The man over the pilot's intercom said.

Our pilot looked over at us than shook his head. "I have packages."

It was silent for a bit. "What type of packages? I don't remember ordering any." The man said sounding suspicious.

"Um..." our pilot started to get nervous I could tell by the way he moved. Nice now we are going to get caught. "Food."

It went silent again. "Alright Pelican 44-B you are free to land."

Thats when we started to get ready to leave. "Remember detract until Felix and I are clear." Locus said looking at Phoenix.

"Understood. Than meet you guys at The Meeting Building?" She said questioning it.

He nodded as we went down. I brought out the boxes and hid in the bathroom, while Locus disappeared.

I sometimes hate having the shield but it is useful to have. When the door opened I could hear them walking in and talking to Phoenix. After hearing the voices fade the door knocked a few times, signalling me to go. I opened it to run out and around the pelican to behind a building.

"Now we wait here." Locus said appearing and looking around to see anyone.

It was quiet. Too quiet in my opinion but it doesn't bother me since it would be either way. "God that guy wouldn't stop talking." Phoenix said walking behind Locus.

"Alright lets go." Locus said running towards the Capital.

After passing and killing a shit ton of guards we finally got to where the tracker was. "Well do it now before its too late!" Grif yelled.

"I forgot how annoying his voice was." I mumbled.

"Shut up." Locus mumbled.

"Why didn't Church recognized that?" Wash said almost freaking out.

"I don't..." thats when Locus shot and killed a Rebel soldier.

Thats when everyone drew out their guns and aimed it at us. Phoenix aimed it at Washington, Locus to Carolina, and I was at Tucker.

The problem was that it was 3 to 10. I hope this doesn't go to hell because we are kind of our numbered.

Hey guys Ninja here! Sorry for ending it so fast and cliffhangery. :p

Anyways I dont have any announcements so please comment and vote! :)

Ninja out! :D

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